NCAA Basketball: 10 most hated players all-time in the sport


Bert, you get called racist so much that you are tired of it?! Wow.

Hm. News flash: if you get called racist a lot, it isn’t because you are white and from Kentucky. Lots of white folks in Kentucky who aren’t racist. Lots of people of different skin colors are racist. Lots of people from different places are racist.

Maybe there is another reason you get called a racist so much that you are damn tired of it?

Hey, who was it who saved Bert’s epic rant about how he is racist and hates Mexicans? @Quavarius you remember? Was it @UL_1986
Bert Higginbotha
Well-Known Member

Hell no. They are going to Kentucky for a real damned job. Build the damned wall. Keep them out. There are not enough jobs in Texas and Arizona and California and Florida............ they keep coming to my area. I don't want them. I am racist and want AMERICANS. Screw MEXICANS. I am an American.

Geeze, the only Mexican that I know I have learned at Wal Mart in Kentucky. Keep the friggin's Mexicans out of my state.

I was a Mayor of a little town and my taxes had to pay for the friggin' translators in court so your good friendly Mexicans could go to court and get freed again so they could rack up another crime. Fvck um.

409 Feb 24, 2017
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