^ because James Harden is on Houston and is much, much better than Love (and I like Love), and because Houston's management is much, much better than Cleveland's. They have a cleaner cap sheet (Anderson bad, the rest are decent to great contracts), a better roster, and are just a better organization. Kevin Pelton at ESPN had an article today about how it would go down. Could be done, but would be a thin roster (Morey's been good about filling out the roster with the right guys, but would be really tough).
Is Harden better than Love? No disagreement. Is he a better fit to play with Lebron? There I'm not sure. Many thought before they played together Love might be the best fit in the entire NBA to play with Lebron.
A big guy who could rebound, play inside and drag his man to the 3 point line (and hit 3s)? Not sure about the best fit, but would think moreso than Harden, who really doesn't offer anything Lebron can't give himself.
How is their management "much, much better"? with no Kyrie/Love injury and Durant choosing to join and not beat, would you argue the cavs would not have just played for a 4-peat?
You don't seem like the type who would go with the lazy "but they didn't" reply. I get they didn't, but not sure it was through any fault of their own.
Let's compare their management with Riley and Miami, as most seem to think Riley is all that and each had Lebron 4 years.......
*Both teams worked to clear cap space and bring Lebron to their team (Miami for 2010, Cavs for 2014)
*Miami won 2 titles, the cavs 1
*Cavs lost a title when Love and Kyrie were hurt. Think Miami wins in 2012 without Bosh and Wade? Only seems fair to compare apples to apples as a FO cannot be blamed for injuries, or credited for lack of the same
*Cavs' denied future success when Durant joined GS. Think Miami wins another title if Durant joined the Spurs in 2012?
None of this is to say the Cavs FO is spectacular, as their luck is in the fact the best player in the game is from NE Ohio.