L's up!

That was pretty clear and direct wasn't it? UK kids rode buses that were shorter then normal buses.
To be honest, I'm not sure what kind of buses UK uses on campus.

Does UT have the big long one's driving around campus? I could imagine that.
UK missed some wide open looks when UL went to the 1-3-1. All teams miss or hit. The reason a team wins is due to the team beating the other team. The missing shot excuse doesn’t fly because that’s what defense and pressure does to teams. I’m sure they don’t miss that many wide open shots with no defense so it stands to reason that the pressure and presence causes the missed shots

Yeah, all those wide open 3 looks. I doubt they hit 25% of them. Sometimes you're on and sometimes you're not.
UK missed some wide open looks when UL went to the 1-3-1. All teams miss or hit. The reason a team wins is due to the team beating the other team. The missing shot excuse doesn’t fly because that’s what defense and pressure does to teams. I’m sure they don’t miss that many wide open shots with no defense so it stands to reason that the pressure and presence causes the missed shots
I would have thought Saying, "wide open" clarified what I was saying Jakarii.
Uk is filled with kids that rode the short bus...
Yes, we accept out of state applications from handicapable Tennesseans in order to meet certain quotas. Wish yall would keep them in Knoxville or ship them to Memphis.
Yes, we accept out of state applications from handicapable Tennesseans in order to meet certain quotas. Wish yall would keep them in Knoxville or ship them to Memphis.
Of course, if we did that y'all's Collective IQ's would drop.:)
@della do you miss your banned mods? Did they get replaced?
I miss a lot of posters and don't miss others. I won't single people out. The purge saddened me over all.:(

However, the UK fans on the BB board seem to love me so, I'm getting by.

I don't think they have replaced anyone.
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I love a good thread where tennessee and louisville fans show what true dumbasses they are.
I felt that it was a must win for UK to get a good seed in the NCAA. UK already has a bad loss (Seton Hall) and need to win the Louisville game prior to the SEC. I am pleased by the 10-2 UK record. The last two Saturdays have really given a boost to a very young team.
Seton hall by 1 point in OT is not a bad loss.
IT - is skewer’d. Didn’t answer me when I asked either...
I didn't realize you asked me anything. We have several female posters on "sound off" of which I am one.
Oh no, you’re safe from me, I could never flirt with a Vols fan! :p
Nor I a Blue team fan. Well, that is not true, I married a blue team grad.
But, he no longer has reason to be blue (sad). I have shown him the light and that light is bright Orange.