I like you man. But I have to say----this post really bothers me. I'll tell you why. As a doctor, you cannot have this attitude. To me if you do, you can overlook something. And that can cost someone thier life. I will give you an example. An example that involves me.
I went to the ER about 4 years ago. Complained of fast HR, palpatations, etc, etc...had my wife take me to Jewish Hospital in Louisville. The doc who checked me out looked very disinterested. Hurried through the process. She told me, "you are just having anxiety attacks". No test....no x-rays.....No nothing. I heard he tell the nurse----"I hate nights like this. People coming in here for simple things". gave me a prescription of Xanax, and sent me home. This took about an hour. Two weeks later, I am back at the SAME hospital. First qestion I am asked---"wasn't you just here a few weeks ago"? Yes, I was. Next thing shocked me......."Are you out of your Xanax"? Ummmm, no. Immediately I was embarrassed. Felt like I was being trated as a pill chaser. Again, NO test....NO noting. Sent me home. Again...there less than an hour.
Three weeks later, Im in the hospital. Being treated for a very serious, and possibly life threatening arrhythmia disorder. It was only caught b/c I again went to the hospital, only this time to my local, small town hospital. They happened to put a heart momitor on me. Which caught the issue' My heart rate was getting up to 300 bpm. Never checked me for this at Jewish. And why? Because they seemingly had the same thought you did. That attitude could have cost me my life.
I like you man. But this is a very concerning comment.