"Last seen..." Where have these posters gone?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
@npreston... last seen September 27th, 2018
@champs99and04... March 16, 2018
@Shower Fart... January 13th, 2017 *confirmed alive*
@Jkwo... November 28th, 2016 *confirmed alive*
@W2R... October 16th, 2016
@catorano... September 19th, 2016
@manu1433... June 1st, 2016
@dmaso44... May 24th, 2016
@parke241... April 5th, 2016
@calionreppa... March 21st, 2016
@Ipartiedwithhopgood... February 5th, 2016
@J-Rye_UL... January 25th, 2016 *confirmed alive*
@uofapunk... July 30th, 2015
@Cornered Weasel... June 27th, 2015
@PennJayhawk... March 24th, 2015

New names since last update:
@Wall2Boogie last seen October 2019
@klize17 last seen December 2020

Hope they are okay and just found better things do with their time. Who else has been M.I.A?
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@Ipartiedwithhopgood... February 5th, 2016: posts regularly on the UofL board.

@J-Rye_UL... January 25th, 2016: last posted on the UofL board on February 10, 2017.

I seem to remember something about dmaso44 having a sidepiece and maybe getting caught, then stopping posting soon afterwards?
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Jewvol posts on the mainboard but only about how much better it is to be a vegan than anything else.

Penn is a mod on our homeboard I think.
Wasn't @W2R possibly starting a new job which was going to be insane hours or something?
Jewvol disappeared the day Pearl was hit by NCAA infractions...Perhaps a sign of Jewish solidarity. Crompton stumbled around a few months after... even after drunk videos hit YouTube forever. His kids will one day ask...

RayFoyeCombo... banhammer.

WildcatChad had coronary following a flame war.

@jamo0001 appeared a lot less after he fled to Russia during the WikiLeaks scandal.

What happened to the UNC fan who I think was a biker and had an avatar of a stick figure beating his computer?

Also, if I die tomorrow will anyone know?
he's banned until 6/10 for making fun of mods on the main board. His ban was temporarily lifted by a mod on this board, then the main board mod found out and threw a temper tantrum so it was reinstated. He texts and calls me all the time because he's such a lonely **** though so if you have any messages or nudes you'd like to get to him just let me know.
he's banned until 6/10 for making fun of mods on the main board. His ban was temporarily lifted by a mod on this board, then the main board mod found out and threw a temper tantrum so it was reinstated. He texts and calls me all the time because he's such a lonely **** though so if you have any messages or nudes you'd like to get to him just let me know.
All you had to do was say you two are in an open relationship. Didn't need to type all that out.
Catorano's old avatar of Rick Barnes in a sombrero was the best thing you'll see outside of scantily clad women avatars
Yeah I kinda figured. We talked about opening it up to include the ACC and B1G when we had 16 guys in the league, but that adds a lot of extra work