I thought this moment was one of his finest, of late... it takes nerve to confront an opponent, but sometimes it takes ever greater nerve to stand up to one of your own.
Yes! I was about to post the same video. His responses there speak to a complexity we irrationally distrust in politics and now see too little of: we expect the truth to be short, simple, and straight-forward; anything more and we get suspicious that someone's trying to pull a fast one on us. With responsibilities for such a diverse population and so many different needs, how can we possibly expect everything to be simple?
Sen McCain's precise, principled stance during the '08 campaign seems like some long gone glory days, when a politician could fight tooth-and-nail with a colleague over policy, yet defend their character and genuinely respect them. Then again, perhaps his loss speaks to those glory days' existence being revisionist history; maybe they hadn't actually existed for a long, long time, and Sen McCain was a maverick even then.
A discussion for another time: with such outlandish ideas swirling around about Sen Obama as long ago as '08 and
corrected as long ago as '08, the case for his entire presidency's being hindered by straight-up racism is strengthened. Yes, there were other reasons to criticize him, and no, not every critic was racist, but it was far more pervasive than most of those critics will admit.