Jim Boeheim killed a man last night

Very sad. I was driving from Baltimore to Rochester last night. Roads were very icy in spots. In PA, a car crossed 3 lanes of traffic about 50 feet in front of me after losing control. Hit the guardrail and would have hit me on the way back if I hadn't been able to get over to the shoulder.

Heart goes out to all involved. Incredibly unfortunate.
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This really puts things in perspective, awful for all parties involved. It looks like Jim was driving at the proper speed and there's no evidence of alcohol/drugs being involved.

I can't even imagine him being in a position to coach vs Duke on Saturday. You gotta imagine he steps away for a bit to process something like this.
Always stay in your car in a situation like that! Especially at night don’t be walking on the freeway!

Thought I read Boheim doesn’t drink so doubtful he was under the influence
Always stay in your car in a situation like that! Especially at night don’t be walking on the freeway!

Thought I read Boheim doesn’t drink so doubtful he was under the influence

The article already said he had a zero BAC and that he doesn't drink.
I’ve never been a fan of boeheim but this is an actual tragedy. I genuinely feel sorry for him.
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Damn I thought it was someone joking around at first but this is awful and unfortunate for all parties involved. It sounds like it really was a genuine accident caused by icy weather conditions. I feel terrible for all involved.
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JB will be coaching on Saturday.

I know this is a tough thing to get over, but he didn't do anything wrong.

Besides, if Tom Crean can coach as his mother is dying, I'm sure JB can muster up the courage to coach his team on Saturday.
If you can see Jim Boeheim, he can see you. If you can't see Jim Boeheim, you may be only seconds away from death.
Someone said the victim was Mexican. If we had built the wall this wouldn't have happened. Hope you lefties feel good about yourselves.
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Someone said the victim was Mexican. If we had built the wall this wouldn't have happened. Hope you lefties feel good about yourselves.
Oh damn.
You're had a good week as far as zingers go.
Apparently Karl Anthony Towns was injured in a car accident today. WTF is in the water this week.

Whatever the case with Coach Boeheim may be, he wasnt intoxicated, and apparently this guy stepped out towards the edge of the shoulder when he shouldnt have. Terrible and unfortunate. The only thing I can say is that if there was room then Boeheim absolutely should have gotten over if there was no one to his left.
I didn't realize they canceled GameDay at Syracuse because of this. Syracuse hasn't hosted GameDay in 5 years.
I didn't realize they canceled GameDay at Syracuse because of this. Syracuse hasn't hosted GameDay in 5 years.

GameDay probably should have been at a different game anyways. An unranked team shouldn’t be hosting GameDay imo
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Hit him with his vehicle.
I hate this for Boeheim and for the family of the victim of this accident. I would be beside myself if this had happened to me.