Hey mods, can you do something?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2010
Hey, folks in charge.

So, a lot of us are going to be stuck inside and alone for a long, long time.

And a lot of us are going to want to shoot the breeze about nonsense, and sometimes catch up on how everyones lives are doing.

It would be nice to be able to do that without some of the burning anger that seems to come up with political discussion.

I, for one, don't have the energy for that. I'd wager a lot of people feel the same way right now.

Any chance you could divide up the off topic thread, and make a political one and a regular one?

I’m hoping that, like off-seasons past, the board transitions into allowing multiple OT threads throughout the board

Two threads, instead of one "catch all" like at the top.

One regular, "Hey, how is everyone?" thread.

One angry, "OMG HATE POLITICAL ENEMY" thread.

That way if you are in the mood to just say "Hey guys" you don't have to wade into the muck.
Okay, so random pinned thread at the top can be the political thread, and then we can just start other threads as we see fit (within reason)?

That one at the top has just become such an accepted "All topics go here" catch all...

But sure, good stuff, thanks:)

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