"Yep. He's basically pissed off at the world b/c he has no self-esteem over his under-employment and that the world hasn't been handed to him on an oyster in his mid-20s. He's the very product of what he tries to blame on politically correct liberal elitists: he's had a privileged, easy, sheltered life, and when his parents stopped being able to open doors for him, he started throwing temper tantrums over the prospect of having to ring a doorbell and wait. Now he doesn't care about anything but his own suffering, and anyone who really is suffering threatens to encroach upon the coddling sympathy he thinks he's entitled to." - Dattier
"He's trolling. He doesn't have kids or know anything about public education today, and he doesn't give two farts about anyone but himself as evidenced by his hypervigilant defense of the well-defended any time any actually oppressed group might make up the half-step they trail his underachieving, excuse-making, daddy-send-me-back-to-school punk hindquarters by." - Dattier
"It's why you had daddy send you back to school for business." - Dattier
"I stand by the impression I got from the words you spoke. I don't care if I'm right about the exact subjective description of your job according to you." - Dattier
"I'm asking rhetorically about pouting at pony practice until daddy paid for more school to escape the job where you were puuuuuuurfectly happy. I've said it 4 times now since you first mentioned the business classes you're currently taking, and you haven't corrected me once. Everyone knows you jump on the slightest detail immediately and refuse to let up, so your not doing so here shows I hit the mark. Fortunately for you, I don't really give a ML about that, either." - Dattier
"By his own logic, that he will clamp down on this but not offer any counter whatsoever to my guess that his daddy is paying for him to go back to school (in his mid-20s! lol) proves I guessed right." - Dattier
"Yeah, but he was completely happy in the job he complained about all the time as unfair to men, and not under-employed at all, so he pouted and pouted and got daddy to send him back to business school." - Dattier
"At least I'm not underemployed." - Dattier
"Keep stretching. Maybe they'll let you touch radios someday if you convince them you're taller." - Dattier
"Not much to work w/ in a conversation w/ you that started when you took me to task w/ a nonsensical, obnoxious, illogical, immature, and just plain freakin' stupid accusation of hypocrisy. You are seriously a freakin' IDIOT, hail. No wonder you can't get a job on the radio. You're a whiny little punk who doesn't have a clue what he's talking about." - Dattier
Bert crossed the line by mentioning your family but you don’t think any of that crosses the line?
It doesn’t both me personally because I give out insults and expect them back. I just don’t understand why you hand out personal insults yet think others cross the line when they do so.