First off I never called you a liar. I just wanted some verification on what exactly you meant by all games televised. Second I think it’s pretty cool that you have all of those games.
But to your other point, Kansas has the Jayhawk Network that televises all of their games. I don’t have a satellite tv. I can’t get that Network and I can’t get the UK Network. I never have been able to get either in Texas. I just always thought when you said “all games televised” I assumed you meant nationally televised on a major network.
I did not mean to attack you schooner, you are a good guy.
I never stated or inferred that all UK games were on CBS, NBC or ABC. Nor did I intend to infer that ESPN carried the bulk of UK games. What I have always stated was that the UK Network covered all the games that the Networks or ESPN did not cover. Then later in the evolution of Sport TV Fox also picked up the UK Network.
I don't have the old papers on what stations covered the "UK Network"; however, many stations outside of Kentucky carried the UK games. Also, Louisville and Indiana games were available the same way.
I spent a lot of money on equipment to watch the games as I lived away from Kentucky for most of my career. Satellite dishes were a wonderful addition. They became affordable in the early 1980's so I put my money where my UK heart was and instantly bought one. Then another and then another as the technology improved. It started out a C band then KU band Later on, when they started compressing the signal, I got a computer to decompress it and there was a web site to give you the digital codes to unlock it.
Now to start another fight: in the mid-1980's I was not aware of any other college team that had a similar network. There may have been one, but I never ran across them on the Satellites. There were not that many satellites in the geostationary orbit belt around the equator and I was familiar with all of them because it was before the signals were scrambled. HBO, ESPN, Cinemax, porn stations were free for the looking. There was and still is a monthly magazine named “Orbit” to document the satellites and what stations are on it.
So, the bottom line is that I refuse to retract my previous statements. I stand by them. For decades nearly all UK games have been available nationwide. Also I can prove it by having video copies of all of them. I still stand by my statement that Kansas, UNC and Duke did not have the same type exposure or I would have ran across them.