Well, you won't be convinced because you are addicted to fear porn. But deaths are down drastically. Most cases are asymptomatic or mild. Hospitalizations are not anywhere near what you are being told and the stay is shorter due to the virus being weaker than it was and better treatment.
Also. In Texas and I imagine other states too, they count contacts as a covid case. In one situation, a single positive test counted as 17 covid cases. In Florida if you have a cough, you can be counted as a covid case without ever being tested.
So maybe instead of being a terrified drama queen, why don't you ask a more important question. Why do they want is to think that the virus is worse than it is. Why are they manipulating data to increase the case numbers? Why are there so many people like you that refuse to see any positive gains when there are so many and are so easy to see?
You are so weird, with your bizarre takes that I want the virus to be killing people and ****ing up our nation. What rational person would think that? My world has been crushed by this thing... can’t see friends, wife’s job tanked, whole blocks sick, job screwed up, spending countless hours prepping for school... on what strange plane would I *want* this to be happening? I want it gone ASAP, and you thinking otherwise shows me that you have no grasp on how a normal person feels, if that person disagrees with you. You accusing someone of being a drama queen in the midst of that breathless post is classic
You are also so paranoid... “they” want the virus to look worse than it is, and “they” are lying about hospitalization rates, and “they” are manipulating data... "they" being this strange cabal of “the media” and “the government” (well, not the part Donald Trump controls... that other part I guess?) and “hundreds of thousands of doctors and scientists” and “numbers” I suppose?
I am SO glad that death rates are down. That’s not shocking, given that I think the overall mortality rates will be lower than we thought, and we are improving treatment. My guess is that the death rate is even lower than we think, because of how many cases aren’t diagnosed. Yay, good news! And even better, the Oxford vaccine looks promising, and we are making millions of doses of a bunch of different vaccines to prep for approval... sounds like come the new year we should have a vaccine, and that is awesome.
But good news doesn’t suddenly make bad news go away, and the United States is the absolute center of this thing in the world, and the fact that testing rates don’t account for new positive cases should tell you something.
You are acting like we are doing great, that this is all ending, even though we have something like 55,000 cases a day and states like Texas and Cali and Florida are having to roll back their reopenings... but you also believe there is a national conspiracy going on, soooo...
Hey, where I live things are going much, much better. I hope they get better for EVERYONE, and as soon as possible. It is all happening to someone else until it happens to you, and I wouldn’t wish lying in an isolation room, struggling to breath, surrounded by masked doctors, on my worst enemy... I was in the ER last year unable to breath, and in an isolation room when my dad was dying, and all of that is just terrible.
And FYI, the only porn I am addicted to is girl on girl porn.