I’m not going to get in depth into this in this thread. I would tell you to read up on communism, or if you prefer the watered down term, socialism. Their ideals and goals and then the reality of what happens as their governments seek absolute power and control over all its people.
Fascist governments. Nobody could speak out against the Nazi’s. They died if thy did. What has been happening on College campuses when conservatives are scheduled to speak? They’re not killed obviously, but they are banned, threatened.
How will the US pay for an 80 trillion $$ green new deal? SS, Medicare, Medicaid, for all including illegals? A paycheck for all whether you work or not? $1,000-2,000-3,000 a month. How? Tell how this works? What happens to the 26+ trillion in 401k, IRA, etc... savings Americans have?
Go back and talk to your friends some more. Ours schools and media have been infiltrated for decades by Russia/KGB. It’s not a question if it has happened. It has. Now China is doing similar. Educate yourself. Read and have an open mind and you’ll find the answers.
Ask your friends about Lincoln, blacks, and Liberia. Big media suppression on this. There’s a paper trail too.