
Btw, anyone see The White Houses latest detailed, thoughtful official statement?

1 am? Was he drunk? Is he cracking? Does he just have no worthwhile advisors who can rein him in? Or is it just desperate lashing out at this point?
If Donalds tweets are still surprising to you then you are in for a long ride. The guy is a ****ing moron that refuses to take his foot out of his mouth. Even when he tries to say something right, he says it wrong. His mouth and ego are intolerable to nearly everyone. The way he handles himself is embarrassing imo. Nobody controls him----he could be removed from office and somehow he would personally spin it as a win.
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If Donalds tweets are still surprising to you then you are in for a long ride. The guy is a ****ing moron that refuses to take his foot out of his mouth. Even when he tries to say something right, he says it wrong. His mouth and ego are intolerable to nearly everyone. The way he handles himself is embarrassing imo. Nobody controls him----he could be removed from office and somehow he would personally spin it as a win.
In his mind, why should he be different? It's always worked for him. His way has made him very successful.
I voted for the one with business experience, who's egotistical, loud mouthed, and an arrogant jacka**. And I thought that was the better choice.
I still do.
In his mind, why should he be different? It's always worked for him. His way has made him very successful.
I voted for the one with business experience, who's egotistical, loud mouthed, and an arrogant jacka**. And I thought that was the better choice.
I still do.
I still think he was the best choice out of the three as well. I don't condone how he has conducted himself in the least though. I like tough talkers and the non PC idea of trump, but the stupidity that comes out of his mouth is neither of the things i liked.
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No, hot truth. The entire country was waiting for him to do just that. He was dragging his feet and when he and Putin got together Trump kissed his ass. One wonders what Putin has on Trump. I imagine his tax returns will shed some light on that.
Maybe President Trump will have more "flexibility" after the next Presidential election. Would you have a problem with that?
I still think he was the best choice out of the three as well. I don't condone how he has conducted himself in the least though. I like tough talkers and the non PC idea of trump, but the stupidity that comes out of his mouth is neither of the things i liked.
Tough talk and non-PC talk some how trumps the fact that every other time he opens his mouth its a lie to the American people? How about the fact that he doesn't understand economics at a basic level? The man thinks the US would better off not trading with other countries since we have a trade deficit with them. How anyone can think that is the "best candidate" is beyond me.

I've voted for Republicans twice, and Democrats twice in the last 4 elections. I would take the loser of every single one of those elections over Trump, personally.
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Tough talk and non-PC talk some how trumps the fact that every other time he opens his mouth its a lie to the American people? How about the fact that he doesn't understand economics at a basic level? The man thinks the US would better off not trading with other countries since we have a trade deficit with them. How anyone can think that is the "best candidate" is beyond me.

I've voted for Republicans twice, and Democrats twice in the last 4 elections. I would take the loser of every single one of those elections over Trump, personally.
You missed the point of my view on DT. I liked the idea of him being no nonsense and matter of fact on certain issues---bypassing talking in circles. Thats not what we get the majority of the time. He had an opportunity to really make himself look good but couldn't control his junior high rebuttals and rarely speaks in educated sentences. What we have got is not what I expected.
You missed the point of my view on DT. I liked the idea of him being no nonsense and matter of fact on certain issues---bypassing talking in circles. Thats not what we get the majority of the time. He had an opportunity to really make himself look good but couldn't control his junior high rebuttals and rarely speaks in educated sentences. What we have got is not what I expected.
Being no nonsense and matter of fact on issues shouldn't matter when you obviously dont understand the issues you are discussing. Nothing worse than a confidant idiot.
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In his mind, why should he be different? It's always worked for him. His way has made him very successful.
I voted for the one with business experience, who's egotistical, loud mouthed, and an arrogant jacka**. And I thought that was the better choice.
I still do.

Your better choice has a better chance of getting impeached than any President in US history. When your grandkids read the history books, filled with names like John Adams, George Washington and stripper Stormy Daniels they will thank you for better choice.
Being no nonsense and matter of fact on issues shouldn't matter when you obviously dont understand the issues you are discussing. Nothing worse than a confidant idiot.
But, there are a bunch on nonsense issues that could and should be dealt with in these ways. I don't agree with how trump is acting but that doesn't put me at odds with what i also know i don't want from the left. Basically a bunch of shitty options for people that enjoy moderation.
But, there are a bunch on nonsense issues that could and should be dealt with in these ways. I don't agree with how trump is acting but that doesn't put me at odds with what i also know i don't want from the left. Basically a bunch of shitty options for people that enjoy moderation.
Issues could and should be dealt with by people that don't understand the law, the role of government or how it functions? Is that the point you are trying to make? Okay then...

Also... FYI, Trump was not the "moderate" choice. Of the three major contenders, Clinton was unquestionably the most moderate (which is why the progressives hate her as much as the right).
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Issues could and should be dealt with by people that don't understand the law, the role of government or how it functions? Is that the point you are trying to make? Okay then...
You can keep saying things that i am obviously not saying if you need to, but its going nowhere.
Being no nonsense and matter of fact on issues shouldn't matter when you obviously dont understand the issues you are discussing. Nothing worse than a confidant idiot.

But, there are a bunch on nonsense issues that could and should be dealt with in these ways. I don't agree with how trump is acting but that doesn't put me at odds with what i also know i don't want from the left. Basically a bunch of shitty options for people that enjoy moderation.

Issues could and should be dealt with by people that don't understand the law, the role of government or how it functions? Is that the point you are trying to make? Okay then...

Also... FYI, Trump was not the "moderate" choice. Of the three major contenders, Clinton was unquestionably the most moderate (which is why the progressives hate her as much as the right).

You can keep saying things that i am obviously not saying if you need to, but its going nowhere.

What did I say you said, that you did not say?
What did I say you said, that you did not say?
Issues could and should be dealt with by people that don't understand the law, the role of government or how it functions?

Thats assuming he knows nothing and thats obviously not true. If it not sure what that says about the people he beat to get here.
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Issues could and should be dealt with by people that don't understand the law, the role of government or how it functions?

Thats assuming he knows nothing and thats obviously not true. If it not sure what that says about the people he beat to get here.
He beat out a ton of republicans WAY more qualified than he was. That speaks to his base, not all the other republicans.

And you did say issues should be dealt with like that in reply to my post. I just quoted it. Perhaps you didnt read the full post before you replied?
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He beat out a ton of republicans WAY more qualified than he was. That speaks to his base, not all the other republicans.

And you did say issues should be dealt with like that in reply to my post. I just quoted it. Perhaps you didnt read the full post before you replied?
This is all ready getting really boring. Long story short...there is a time to be diplomatic on issues and work the back and forth, and there is a time to play hardball and set ultimatums (flex muscle). I thought DT would be pretty good at utilizing both to our advantage---hasnt played out that way.

He also beat out the best the democrats could roll out.
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This is all ready getting really boring. Long story short...there is a time to be diplomatic on issues and work the back and forth, and there is a time to play hardball and set ultimatums (flex muscle). I thought DT would be pretty good at utilizing both to our advantage---hasnt played out that way.

He also beat out the best the democrats could roll out.
So it hasnt played out the way you thought it would, but you are still trying to justify it? I am not trying to attack you for believing that in November, but if you still think that was the correct line of thought I'm flabbergasted.

I voted against him in the primary and genreral election, and will admit I didnt think he would be THIS horrible at his job.

Also, not sure what winning an election has to do with capabilities to actually lead?
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So it hasnt played out the way you thought it would, but you are still trying to justify it? I am not trying to attack you for believing that in November, but if you still think that was the correct line of thought I'm flabbergasted.
Well unflabber your gaste b/c thats not what I'm saying... b/c thats not what he is doing. Thats what I expected to happen, but 9 times out of 10 its more buffoon than badass.
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Well unflabber your gaste b/c thats not what I'm saying... b/c thats not what he is doing. Thats what I expected to happen, but 9 times out of 10 its more buffoon than badass.
Okay, then why try to justify the vote? It sounded like you were still defending him/your vote.

I voted for Obama the first time around, and will not defend him at all after he expanded domestic surveillance and made a mess of title 9. Would still take him or Romney or McCain or Gore over Trump.
Okay, then why try to justify the vote? It sounded like you were still defending him/your vote.

I voted for Obama the first time around, and will not defend him at all after he expanded domestic surveillance and made a mess of title 9.
Justify the vote? I didn't like my choices then, i don't like them now.
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All of this will be cycled out of the news in a matter of weeks and he will still be your president.

In the meantime.............

Remember when Clinton was impeached? Exactly zero Democratic Senators voted guilty on the charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. Expect similar results should Trump be impeached as well. He ain't gonna be removed from office through a vote from the Senate.
Remember when Clinton was impeached? Exactly zero Democratic Senators voted guilty on the charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. Expect similar results should Trump be impeached as well. He ain't gonna be removed from office through a vote from the Senate.

I think Clinton enjoyed a lot more in party support than Trump. The House, absolutely, but the Senate...? You might be right, but I also wouldn’t be shocked to see some part ways with him.
I think Clinton enjoyed a lot more in party support than Trump. The House, absolutely, but the Senate...? You might be right, but I also wouldn’t be shocked to see some part ways with him.

It probably wouldn't be unanimous, but no way would you have 17 Republican Senators vote guilty. GOP would essentially be handing the 2020 Election to the Democrats in that scenario.
Clinton lied about a blowjob. Trump’s smallest charge is using campaign funds to pay off porn stars. Keywords there are “smallest charge.” If that’s all Trump were facing, this would be a totally different discussion.

But I find it funny the Christian Right acted offended over Clinton and defend Trump while they morally equivocate Trump to Clinton. This is why they have no credibility.
Clinton lied about a blowjob. Trump’s smallest charge is using campaign funds to pay off porn stars. Keywords there are “smallest charge.” If that’s all Trump were facing, this would be a totally different discussion.

But I find it funny the Christian Right acted offended over Clinton and defend Trump while they morally equivocate Trump to Clinton. This is why they have no credibility.
In some part why most people laugh at Christians. Their moral code is only applicable when necessary, I.e. “New Testament Christians”.
Speaking of corruption... notice that Donald now writes Department of “Justice”, with Justice in quotes?

Apparently that is on purpose. Because the Department of Justice... HIS Department of Justice... is just that corrupt.

There’s such corruption... When everybody sees what’s going on in the justice department, I always put justice now with quotes, it’s a very, very sad day," Trump added.

Oh, and about AG Sessions? Did he get the job because of his qualifications?

The only reason I gave him (Sessions) the job is because I felt loyalty," Trump said Thursday. "He was an original supporter."

So Trump appointee Jeff Sessions replied to Trump saying he has no control of the Justice Department and that the Department is corrupt.

While I am Attorney General, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations. I demand the highest standards, and where they are not met, I take action. However, no nation has a more talented, more dedicated group of law enforcement investigators and prosecutors than the United States.”
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So, @mebeblue2 , can I ask, as someone who is genuinely curious... how do you come up with this?

The Obama/Muslim thing I think everyone knows is fake. There is literally nothing to support it, and the fact that the guy had a pastor and went to church before he was a public figure and all of that makes it clear.

But how do you equate something so demonstrably false with something that isn't? I mean... Russian collusion is literally believable enough that a former head of the FBI has spent years looking into it, Trump has been connected to a number of people who have been found guilty (note: GUILTY) of crimes, including some illicit dealings involving Russia (Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Papadopoulos, van der Zwaan, and 13 Russian nationals), we know that Trumps son had a meeting with Russians which they denied for a long time and in many ways, a former CIA head said "Mr. Trump’s claims of no collusion are, in a word, hogwash," and Trump himself stood up in front of the world next to the President of Russia and publicly denounced the US intelligence community and instead sided with Russia involving Russian involvement in our election (all after saying, publicly, that he wanted Russia to hack his political opponent... and the Russians then tried to hack Clinton's personal emails for the first time that night.)

Note that all of this stuff I just posted is factual. Like, actual fact. I can give you links for all of them, even links to Fox News that confirms it all.

So help me understand. How do you equate what is provably false with something that is not? Are you just trolling? Do you genuinely believe it? If you DO genuinely believe it, how do you balance this belief all of the facts I posted earlier?

has there been any evidence of Russian collusion
right now Russian collusion is just as false as the birth certificate fiasco was
that has not stopped most Dems from crying "collusion" "collusion"
so yep, facts be damned

BTW keep your posts short, i do not have the time to read a book .......just saying
Clinton lied about a blowjob. Trump’s smallest charge is using campaign funds to pay off porn stars. Keywords there are “smallest charge.” If that’s all Trump were facing, this would be a totally different discussion.

But I find it funny the Christian Right acted offended over Clinton and defend Trump while they morally equivocate Trump to Clinton. This is why they have no credibility.

Nobody is defending his actions. He's a scumbag. And so is Slick Willy.

Now when you get to political pundits, just about everyone is a hypocrite. Defend/Deflect the actions of your own party, and castigate the other side as the most nefarious villains. One of the bigger stories this summer has been illegal immigrant children being locked up in cages. Yet does everyone forget the 2014 pics of the exact same thing? Somehow when it's under the Trump administration is 1000 times worse.

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Nobody is defending his actions. He's a scumbag. And so is Slick Willy.

Now when you get to political pundits, just about everyone is a hypocrite. Defend/Deflect the actions of your own party, and castigate the other side as the most nefarious villains. One of the bigger stories this summer has been illegal immigrant children being locked up in cages. Yet does everyone forget the 2014 pics of the exact same thing? Somehow when it's under the Trump administration is 1000 times worse.


I believe the new policy of changing how they charge illegal immigrants, and the subsequent separating children from their parents, was what really uproar... the photos were just a visual.
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I believe the new policy of changing how they charge illegal immigrants, and the subsequent separating children from their parents, was what really uproar... the photos were just a visual.

From the New York Times:

Judge Gee also found that migrant children had been held in “widespread deplorable conditions” in Border Patrol stations after they were first caught, and she said the authorities had “wholly failed” to provide the “safe and sanitary” conditions required for children even in temporary cells.

Initially, Homeland Security officials said they were detaining the families to send a message to others in Central America to deter them from coming to the United States illegally. In February, a federal court in Washington, D.C., ruled that strategy unconstitutional. Officials stopped invoking deterrence as a factor in deciding whether to release mothers and children as they seek asylum in the United States.

But many women and children remained stalled behind bleak walls and fences month after month with no end in sight. Mothers became severely depressed or anxious, and their distress echoed in their children, who became worried and sickly.
From the New York Times:

Judge Gee also found that migrant children had been held in “widespread deplorable conditions” in Border Patrol stations after they were first caught, and she said the authorities had “wholly failed” to provide the “safe and sanitary” conditions required for children even in temporary cells.

Initially, Homeland Security officials said they were detaining the families to send a message to others in Central America to deter them from coming to the United States illegally. In February, a federal court in Washington, D.C., ruled that strategy unconstitutional. Officials stopped invoking deterrence as a factor in deciding whether to release mothers and children as they seek asylum in the United States.

But many women and children remained stalled behind bleak walls and fences month after month with no end in sight. Mothers became severely depressed or anxious, and their distress echoed in their children, who became worried and sickly.

Terrible, for sure.

But again, the recent wave anger was primarily aimed at the separation of children from their parents. Check out the introduction paragraph of that very article you posted:

A federal judge in California has ruled that the Obama administration’s detention of children and their mothers who were caught crossing the border illegally is a serious violation of a longstanding court settlement, and that the families should be released as quickly as possible.

Of course there were people who saw photos posted from earlier recently and took those to be photos of now and got upset over them, but the issue really wasn’t simply conditions, as evidenced by the fact that conditions like that have existed before, and been photographed before, and were known about before, and there was no large scale pushback. The issue was the new policy of enforcement of criminal charges for all illegal immigrants, with the recognized outcome of taking children away from their parents, resulting in thousands of kids, including infants and toddlers, being take away from their parents.

I will say, I really appreciate your use of actual research, and then even italicizing the quote and boldfacing the relevant section!