Baseball cards

So she's the one that still does!
yup gotta have something to collect, but she also collects angel figures as well.
she collects not for their value but for the fact they are nice to have. me I collect animal paintings mainly wolves. had a chance to get a White tiger painting when he 1st came out for $100 last I checked which was years ago it was $8000 really screwed the pooch on that one.

but I do have a one of a kind Wolf picture, not numbered or duplicated and autographed painting. that will be very good painting to keep.
my wife collects beanie babies.
I’ve got a Valentino Beanie Baby that an ex girlfriend gave me for Valentine’s Day when we were dating back in 2002. I’ve tried to find out if it’s worth anything but I haven’t found anything other than prices on eBay but you can’t really go by those prices because one might be going for $50 but another might be going for $1100
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right now the buyers are controlling the market. but I think she is leaving them to the grandkids. she's not into the value of them.
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yup gotta have something to collect, but she also collects angel figures as well.
she collects not for their value but for the fact they are nice to have. me I collect animal paintings mainly wolves. had a chance to get a White tiger painting when he 1st came out for $100 last I checked which was years ago it was $8000 really screwed the pooch on that one.

but I do have a one of a kind Wolf picture, not numbered or duplicated and autographed painting. that will be very good painting to keep.
Wolves are awesome!
When I was 5 I famously traded a 1970s era Hank Aaron card for a Charms blow pop.

My dad, who has one of the largest baseball card collections in the country, was none too pleased with me.
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Bert is so old his worst trade was when he lived in Amsterdam and traded a cow for a dozen tulip bulbs right before the crash.
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