Again, that depends on what you want out of where you live. Lexington is one of the best places in the country to raise a family for a city of its size. Our schools are usually amongst the highest in the state, I dont know about Louisville's so I can compare. There obviously have to be some good ones up there.
Id think for 30 something singles, Louisville is a better place to live. Of course theres a lot more to do at night. But we have plenty of bars and music venues, lower cost of living, lower crime rate, less than 5% UofL fans per totsl county population Laughing
Id say be born raised and grow up in Lexington, move to Louisville as a professional theough your 50s, retire to the mountains/lakeside after that.
I just get fired up because Louisville fans always make this comparison. Lexington is not in anyway attempting to keep pace or compete with Louisville for title of largest city. Lexingtons appeal is its small town vibe with amenities/activities of a large city. That appeals to some people. Some enjoy living out in the boonies with no one around. Some enjoy living in 750 sq ft apt in the middle of a large city.
If this were Nashville v Memphis, or Cleveland v Columbus v Cincinnatti itd make more sense.