Never once said that. I have said I’m not puttin a helluva lot of stock in polls 8-9 games in but it is what it is, it’s the metric we have. Of course the big10 will canibalizr itself, it’s already begun, just like the big 12 has as well.
But It’s going to be especially hard for any conference to keep the same 5 teams in the top 15 or 25. Exponentially harder when you have fewer teams. Unless every other ranked team for smaller conferences just continually shit the bed over and over, which I guess is possible.
Stats dictate for every team you have in conference above .500 in league play you will have one below it, it’s just the averages. I guess anything can happen but I’m Just not buying either ones gonna get 5 teams in the elite 8 or keep 5 in the Top 15, but we will see. If I’m wrong I’m wrong lord knows it won’t be the first time.