Who is an administrator that can help me

What does that have to do with anything? You think admins read these forums? RollLaughSite admins and developers are not the same as mods. Contrary to popular belief, mods are not Rivals employees and don't get paid. Shocking, I know. He emailed me about this 10 days ago and I told him there is nothing mods can do about it. He needs to contact Rivals directly, not post on a damn basketball forum. Like Kistek said, Google is your friend.
Hey Kevin the only reason that I responded again yesterday was because Longstrangetrip jerked my chain nearly a week later. Longstrangetrip likes to poke when he can, so I respond.
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Anyone with posting problems can go to the football board to get things ironed out. There is a sticky thread at the top to address any issues. The mods there can help. Good luck!