Wendell Carter's mom says......

She’s an idiot for the comment. Plain and simple.
I'm sorry, do you mean that in addition to being an idiot, she is plain and simple? That's all the same thing, really, isn't it? I mean, "plain and simple" is the same as "idiot," right?
She’s dumb for factoring them out then.

College players live a pretty lavish lifestyle. It’s weird to see lefties okay with her downplaying how terrible slavery was by comparing it to the college athletes.
If you had something to say that only applied to part of the whole, why wouldn't you factor those things out?
Yeah. Someone who has ZERO knowledge of what slavery was like has no business comparing ANYTHING to it.
You really ought to school her on how she doesn't understand anything about slavery and then tell her what you know.
Dattier’s wife apprently has him locked up in his chastity belt for the night folks. Brace yourselves.
I have the same amount of experience as she does with being a slave. I would like to share stories with her. Give me a break.
Yeah, no reason she shouldn't feel exactly like you do about something you got over so long ago.
Yeah, no reason she shouldn't feel exactly like you do about something you got over so long ago.
I never had to get over it. Just like she never had to get over it. We can look back and and focus on the past of our ancestors or we can look forward and focus on the future of our youth.
She's not wrong.

Actually, she’s demonstrably wrong in every sentence.

"When you remove all the bling and the bells and the sneakers and all that," she said, "you've paid for a child to come to your school to do what you wanted them to do for you, for free, and you made a lot of money when he did that, and you've got all these rules in place that say he cannot share in any of that.
They don’t play for ‘free’, even after ‘removing all the bling’. They get a free, in this case - world-class - education, plus cash. She’s excluding all the ‘bling’, so how can it be ‘free’ when it was also ‘paid for’?

The only other time when labor does not get paid but yet someone else gets profits and the labor is black and the profit is white, is in slavery.

Even if the ‘not get paid’ part wasn’t demonstrably false, for the rest of that statement to be true, one would have to show that a) every single stakeholder in CBB is white, b) every single player is black, and that c) a black person has never worked pro bono for a white person outside of slavery.

Literally none of it is accurate.
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I think you meant, "2nd X 100,000 time." I'm glad you're getting woke to the issues black people deal with on a daily basis in America.

Actually, she’s demonstrably wrong in every sentence.

They don’t play for ‘free’, even after ‘removing all the bling’. They get a free, in this case - world-class - education, plus cash. She’s excluding all the ‘bling’, so how can it be ‘free’ when it was also ‘paid for’?

Even if the ‘not get paid’ part wasn’t demonstrably false, for the rest of that statement to be true, one would have show that a) every single stakeholder in CBB is white, b) every single player is black, and that c) a black person has never worked pro bono for a white person outside of slavery.

Literally none of it is accurate.

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It's very weird. I can't imagine feeling the need to defend something stupid someone says to promote an agenda. Sometimes it's better to just realize what was said was stupid and move on.
Seriously. This is such an outlandish comparison that it should be unanimously shot down. Such a dumb stage we are in with our society.
Actually, she’s demonstrably wrong in every sentence.

They don’t play for ‘free’, even after ‘removing all the bling’. They get a free, in this case - world-class - education, plus cash. She’s excluding all the ‘bling’, so how can it be ‘free’ when it was also ‘paid for’?

Even if the ‘not get paid’ part wasn’t demonstrably false, for the rest of that statement to be true, one would have show that a) every single stakeholder in CBB is white, b) every single player is black, and that c) a black person has never worked pro bono for a white person outside of slavery.

Literally none of it is accurate.
See, it sounds totally fine when you define how she's allowed to see it.
Seriously. This is such an outlandish comparison that it should be unanimously shot down. Such a dumb stage we are in with our society.
I guess some of us feel comfortable focusing on her point and not being all rustled over her allegedly outlandish comparison.
If you had something to say that only applied to part of the whole, why wouldn't you factor those things out?

It is like me as a teacher saying my compensation sucks outside of the benefits and all the time off. It is just misleading. They are related pretty closely. If I were to isolate one I would feel it fair for someone to call me on it.

She certainly isn't dumb for having an opinion I don't agree with though (don't completely agree with that is). She is also a mother of an athlete and that kind of matters as well. Parents tend to exaggerate things in the favor of their children and she is speaking from that perspective. I can certainly disagree without any sort of ulterior motive though.
I guess some of us feel comfortable focusing on her point and not being all rustled over her allegedly outlandish comparison.
But you wouldn't if Grayson Allen's mother compared his privilege to play college basketball for Duke while receiving a free education to slavery. She makes good points that most people would agree with. But just because she has a point, doesn't mean her comparison wasn't outlandish. I don't understand why you lefties can't just acknowledge that it was a poor choice on her part.
I think you meant, "2nd X 100,000 time." I'm glad you're getting woke to the issues black people deal with on a daily basis in America.
Considering he’s half black, I would bet he knows just a tad more about the struggles African Americans face than you do. I just love it when a lib cries racism and gets called out for it. Everyone can agree there is racism in the world, why people think it’s a good idea to cry racist is beyond me.
He had the choice to play college basketball, which immediately makes her statement ignorant, abhorrent, and plain offensive to the memory of those who actually suffered through slavery. Any further debate about what she said is akin to treading in the water because she's proven to be absurdly ignorant.
He had the choice to play college basketball, which immediately makes her statement ignorant, abhorrent, and plain offensive to the memory of those who actually suffered through slavery. Any further debate about what she said is akin to treading in the water because she's proven to be absurdly ignorant.

Holy shit there it is. Shut the thread down.
But you wouldn't if Grayson Allen's mother compared his privilege to play college basketball for Duke while receiving a free education to slavery. She makes good points that most people would agree with. But just because she has a point, doesn't mean her comparison wasn't outlandish. I don't understand why you lefties can't just acknowledge that it was a poor choice on her part.
If Grayson's mom said it, it would just be misguided, instead of when a black mom says it and it's a sign of how society is falling apart and how racial agendas are forced upon us all.
Considering he’s half black, I would bet he knows just a tad more about the struggles African Americans face than you do. I just love it when a lib cries racism and gets called out for it. Everyone can agree there is racism in the world, why people think it’s a good idea to cry racist is beyond me.
Oh, good! I won't have to explain it to him.

Funny how racism is always out there somewhere, but it's never right in front of us, huh?
It is like me as a teacher saying my compensation sucks outside of the benefits and all the time off. It is just misleading. They are related pretty closely. If I were to isolate one I would feel it fair for someone to call me on it.

She certainly isn't dumb for having an opinion I don't agree with though (don't completely agree with that is). She is also a mother of an athlete and that kind of matters as well. Parents tend to exaggerate things in the favor of their children and she is speaking from that perspective. I can certainly disagree without any sort of ulterior motive though.
Your benefits and time off mean you're well compensated? Wow. I didn't know Tennessee was so progressive.
Nothing to explain. What she said is nonsense. Funny how the only answer to anything these days is racism, huh?
Is it? Seems like it's never the answer here. I guess we're just lucky, since it still exists and all. We're in like a sort of racism vacuum or something.
I think you meant, "2nd X 100,000 time." I'm glad you're getting woke to the issues black people deal with on a daily basis in America.
Well considering I’m half black, I’m very aware. Getting a free college education isn’t a problem facing black Americans.
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Is it? Seems like it's never the answer here. I guess we're just lucky, since it still exists and all. We're in like a sort of racism vacuum or something.
Explain to me how it’s like slavery if white people are college athletes too? Free education and housing? Must be racism. The only answer to both those questions. Has to be. Am I doing this right?
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