Being humiliated by your President is very American as of 2016.[/QUOTE]
He looks like a drunk lego head.
4 more years
He looks like a drunk lego head.
he's still 1000 X better than your queen hillary.
Actually, I've thought about this a little bit more.1000 X 1 as hillary is still 1 person,
Actually, I've thought about this a little bit more.
I think you'd admit that Hillary is a loser, so let's just say she's -1.
I think you're underestimating Trump in this case. He's 1,000,000x what Hillary is.
I am amused by mathematical trash talk.
you have a long way to go to reach me as far as mathmatic's go JRWait until I confuse him with algebra.
you have a long way to go to reach me as far as mathmatic's go JR
1,000,000 X -1 = -1,000,000
if hiilary had become president there would open borders where the US would have been flooded with Illegals, and now with the pandemic the cases would be 100 X higher and the death toll into the millions.
then there is the guns that you wouldn't be able to own as the 2nd Amendment would have been removed. the 1st Amendment would have been rewritten. welcome to the Communist State of America ruled by Queen Hillary with her King being Bill.
if Biden gets elected this country will go to hell in a hand basket.
Pelosi and the dems in the house are 100% behind these changes. Biden has already stated if he is elected he will get rid of the gun and ammo makers out of business and restrict ownership of guns, not jus assault rifles but the main stream guns,You actually, legit think this stuff. Like... it isn't an act. You actually think that President Hillary Clinton would have somehow gotten Congress to amend the Constitution of the United States to get rid of the 2nd Amendment and change the 1st. You actually think she would have just... opened the borders... somehow.
Of course I know!lol, that is a Russian Mig 29 bro.