Place to put my Nonsense Thread.

The babies don’t have consciousness and can’t feel. The babies would not survive without medical intervention.

When adults donate organs, they keep their heart beating (blood circulating) to do so. Are they murdering those adults? No, they’re not.

You’re acting like they’re taking a developed crying baby out of the mother and slicing and dicing it while it looks into their souls.

that is exactly what they are doing.

you know what they also did? Read the article and the source documentation linked in the article
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Professionals refer to brain dead people as ‘dead’ all the time (it’s right there in the term). If your brain has zero function and a machine has to keep your heart beating, you’re dead.

what if a machine has to keep you breathing? Are you also dead?
did you even read the article? Pitt admits to birthing babies (what do you think a “labor abortion” is?) and then killing the baby after it was born and breathing.

that’s murder, not abortion.

To hell with breathing and a heartbeat. If it couldn't do all 6 steps of the Macarena plus the tooshie shake I don't consider it alive.
did you even read the article? Pitt admits to birthing babies (what do you think a “labor abortion” is?) and then killing the baby after it was born and breathing.

that’s murder, not abortion.

These were aborted fetuses. Labor was induced. They were not babies that could survive outside the womb.
Chicago is the murder capital. Chicago has dumped more and more money into police budgets since the 60’s. Despite budget increases outpacing inflation by a lot, violent crime in Chicago keeps increasing. Why? If more police = less crime, why is that not true in Chicago?

why does a higher police budget mean that there are more police on the beat?

I thought the Main Board had some idiots but you are some kind of special and I have only read 5 pages of this thread.
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These were aborted fetuses. Labor was induced. They were not babies that could survive outside the womb.

that is just not true. I know it makes you feel better about being ok with murder, but you are living a lie.

from the article:

In the documents, the University of Pittsburgh mentions “labor induction” as a “procedure that will be used to obtain the tissue,” according to the Center for Medical Progress.
Labor induction abortions are basically what they sound like; the abortionist typically injects digoxin or another poison into the unborn baby’s heart to kill him/her and then induces labor so that the mother gives birth to her dead baby’s body. This method is used in later second- and third-trimester abortions.
If digoxin is not used – and the Center for Medical Progress found that scientists want “fetal tissue” without digoxin because the poison interferes with their research, there is a chance of the baby being born alive. Research indicates up to 50 percent of labor-induction abortions without digoxin can result in an infant born alive.
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Repeat abortions have to be astronomically low. I feel like that is a Conservative boogeyman; the idea that there is any significant number of women out there being fertilized by steamy loads all day every day and popping abortion pills like candy.

define astronomically low, because the number is about 33%

you will tell yourself anything to justify murdering the most innocent of humans, won’t you?
why does a higher police budget mean that there are more police on the beat?

I thought the Main Board had some idiots but you are some kind of special and I have only read 5 pages of this thread.

We have another Afamu. Awesome
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define astronomically low, because the number is about 33%

you will tell yourself anything to justify murdering the most innocent of humans, won’t you?

This was covered. You can’t murder people who aren’t people. Try again?
that is just not true. I know it makes you feel better about being ok with murder, but you are living a lie.

from the article:

In the documents, the University of Pittsburgh mentions “labor induction” as a “procedure that will be used to obtain the tissue,” according to the Center for Medical Progress.
Labor induction abortions are basically what they sound like; the abortionist typically injects digoxin or another poison into the unborn baby’s heart to kill him/her and then induces labor so that the mother gives birth to her dead baby’s body. This method is used in later second- and third-trimester abortions.
If digoxin is not used – and the Center for Medical Progress found that scientists want “fetal tissue” without digoxin because the poison interferes with their research, there is a chance of the baby being born alive. Research indicates up to 50 percent of labor-induction abortions without digoxin can result in an infant born alive.

“Seldin added that all tissue was obtained in compliance with the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act, which lays out a series of regulations for performing the procedure. It also contains a section banning infanticide, noting that: "The law of this Commonwealth shall not be construed to imply that any human being born alive in the course of or as a result of an abortion or pregnancy termination, no matter what may be that human being's chance of survival, is not a person under the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth."

You like taking L’s?
Repeat abortions have to be astronomically low. I feel like that is a Conservative boogeyman; the idea that there is any significant number of women out there being fertilized by steamy loads all day every day and popping abortion pills like candy.

Yeah, you're wrong on that one. There are a lot of people who use abortion as a form of birth control. A lot of my inner city patients come in like G5P1 (5 pregnancies, 1 birth).

You can the argue that it's better than them having 5 kids but it absolutely gets used as an alternative to contraception / Plan B.
that is just not true. I know it makes you feel better about being ok with murder, but you are living a lie.

from the article:

In the documents, the University of Pittsburgh mentions “labor induction” as a “procedure that will be used to obtain the tissue,” according to the Center for Medical Progress.
Labor induction abortions are basically what they sound like; the abortionist typically injects digoxin or another poison into the unborn baby’s heart to kill him/her and then induces labor so that the mother gives birth to her dead baby’s body. This method is used in later second- and third-trimester abortions.
If digoxin is not used – and the Center for Medical Progress found that scientists want “fetal tissue” without digoxin because the poison interferes with their research, there is a chance of the baby being born alive. Research indicates up to 50 percent of labor-induction abortions without digoxin can result in an infant born alive.

At least know what you are reading before posting an excerpt.

You can’t take the opinion of an anti-abortion organization and run with that as fact. I’ll go ahead and run with the legal standards that the university is required to adhere to and did adhere to, which explicitly prohibit infanticide.

How did they not commit infanticide yet also commit infanticide?
Repeat abortions have to be astronomically low. I feel like that is a Conservative boogeyman; the idea that there is any significant number of women out there being fertilized by steamy loads all day every day and popping abortion pills like candy.

Materials and Methods: Data come from a national sample of 8,380 nonhospital U.S. abortion patients accessing services at 87 facilities. The dependent variable was a self-reported measure of prior abortion. Bivariate and multivariable analyses were used to assess associations between a range of demographic and circumstantial characteristics and reports of obtaining a prior abortion.

Results: We found that 45% of patients reported having one or more prior abortions.
So, brain dead, heart beating on its own, machine assisted lungs? Probably dead. Is this a thing that happens?

brain functioning, heart beating, can’t breathe without a machine.

alive or dead?
Yeah, you're wrong on that one. There are a lot of people who use abortion as a form of birth control. A lot of my inner city patients come in like G5P1 (5 pregnancies, 1 birth).

You can the argue that it's better than them having 5 kids but it absolutely gets used as an alternative to contraception / Plan B.

How did you not see the posts where I admitted I was wrong? We had a back and forth over like 4 pages of comments and you missed those ones with Ghost and Toonces? Convenient
“Seldin added that all tissue was obtained in compliance with the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act, which lays out a series of regulations for performing the procedure. It also contains a section banning infanticide, noting that: "The law of this Commonwealth shall not be construed to imply that any human being born alive in the course of or as a result of an abortion or pregnancy termination, no matter what may be that human being's chance of survival, is not a person under the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth."

You like taking L’s?

people committing murder lie about committing murder. There’s a shock.

idiots believe them because they don’t like to be inconvenienced.

im betting you’re a millennial.
people committing murder lie about committing murder. There’s a shock.

idiots believe them because they don’t like to be inconvenienced.

im betting you’re a millennial.

A highly regulated medical university, subject to audits and strict regulations got away with the murders of infants for years and years without anybody noticing?

There is zero chance you can figure out how to use a computer while simultaneously being this stupid.

I’m 30, since that matters to you.
please tell me that you really think a higher police budget means more police on the street.

you really believe this don’t you?

You think there is no correlation between police budget increases and the number of officers they employ? It doesn’t need to be one-to-one.

Tell me how you THINK that works.
My stance on abortion doesn’t change. I don’t see it as killing a human. It’s no different than Plan B, to me. I like the current 2nd trimester limit. Repeat abortions and abortions of convenience (aren’t most out of convenience?) weren’t and aren’t factors in my stance.

For as many miscarriages I see from mothers in tears wanting a baby, there isn't much that makes my blood boil more than someone who uses abortion as birth control and comes in at 18 weeks and says "it doesn't matter I'm not keeping this one either".

18 weeks.

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A highly regulated medical university, subject to audits and strict regulations got away with the murders of infants for years and years without anybody noticing?

There is zero chance you can figure out how to use a computer while simultaneously being this stupid.

I’m 30, since that matters to you.

I know. It’s almost as crazy as the Federal Government injecting people with syphilis for 40 years to see what happens when untreated
You think there is no correlation between police budget increases and the number of officers they employ? It doesn’t need to be one-to-one.

Tell me how you THINK that works.

I think that the city of Chicago is among the most corrupt in the developed world and that almost every dollar of those budget increases went to pad the pockets of administration.

let me guess though- you think Chicago govt is as trustworthy as Kermit Gosnell, right?
I think that the city of Chicago is among the most corrupt in the developed world and that almost every dollar of those budget increases went to pad the pockets of administration.

let me guess though- you think Chicago govt is as trustworthy as Kermit Gosnell, right?

Oh you’re one of those.

I’m shocked. You would like Afamu and ExitFlagger
For as many miscarriages I see from mothers in tears wanting a baby, there isn't much that makes my blood boil more than someone who uses abortion as birth control and comes in at 18 weeks and says "it doesn't matter I'm not keeping this one either".

18 weeks.

I have two girls. I’ve seen the sonograms. If we lost either girl at any point in the pregnancy, we would have been devastated.

That didn’t and doesn’t change my view on abortions, though. The alternative to sluts who like to have abortions like they’re popping Tic-Tacs is sterilization or forcing them to carry to term. Sterilization is immoral (yes, more immoral than abortion) and forcing them to carry to term (also immoral, imo) is not the greatest idea because they’re likely pretty irresponsible people. Foster care is awful, you can’t/shouldn’t force adoption, and there’s a good chance they’ll find a way to abort illegally. If they try to down a bunch of pills or alcohol to terminate the pregnancy, the outcomes are likely to be much much worse than the abortion.
I have two girls. I’ve seen the sonograms. If we lost either girl at any point in the pregnancy, we would have been devastated.

That didn’t and doesn’t change my view on abortions, though. The alternative to sluts who like to have abortions like they’re popping Tic-Tacs is sterilization or forcing them to carry to term. Sterilization is immoral (yes, more immoral than abortion) and forcing them to carry to term (also immoral, imo) is not the greatest idea because they’re likely pretty irresponsible people. Foster care is awful, you can’t/shouldn’t force adoption, and there’s a good chance they’ll find a way to abort illegally. If they try to down a bunch of pills or alcohol to terminate the pregnancy, the outcomes are likely to be much much worse than the abortion.

Seeing what I see has entirely flip flopped my stance on abortion. I used to be very much pro choice.