OT: West Virginia teacher's strike

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Starts by admitting that he didn’t read anything that anyone else wrote, then calls everyone else a moron. Goes on to claim that anyone who disagrees with him is angry, closed minded and low iq despite the fact that he’s the only one calling people names and refusing to engage in anything resembling civil discussion. I can only imagine how lucky your students must be to have you molding their young minds.

And by the way, what “average employees” do you know who only work 40 weeks a year? I’ve always considered myself to work a fairly average job but maybe I’m in the wrong line of work. I work 50 weeks a year with about half of those being six days a week.
This is pretty spot on, and the first paragraph is a terrifying mindset for a teacher.
You've certainly used it as a distraction in this thread.

What a student is shouldn't matter to a teacher in a professional capacity. What they do matters. Insisting other students not bully is not pushing any kind of subversive agenda.
Right. Distracting other students is something a teacher needs to address. So it should matter to a teacher that a kid has mental issues like thinking they are transgender and distracting others in the class.
That's the appeal-to-extremes fallacy. It's absurd.

A student sitting in a classroom doing their work is not a distraction. Bullying is a distraction.

“Appeal to extremes fallacy” like when libs say “what about hermaphrodites!”?
Actually, the bulk of the medical community and society accept transgenderism as real.

A teacher with a Sikh or Muslim in their classroom will have someone easily identifiable based on their apparel. It's not a legitimate distraction.

It's a teachers job to teach whatever kids are in the room.

The medical community cares what parts you have, not what you feel you are. If a female comes in with lower abdominal pain I’m going to rule out ovarian torsion because females have ovaries, regardless if she calls herself Karen or Kevin.
This is pretty spot on, and the first paragraph is a terrifying mindset for a teacher.
Not surprising, though. There have been countless issues just like this with teachers/professors around the country exhibiting behavior just like this.
The medical community cares what parts you have, not what you feel you are. If a female comes in with lower abdominal pain I’m going to rule out ovarian torsion because females have ovaries, regardless if she calls herself Karen or Kevin.
You in medicine? This couldn't be more true.

My personal question I ask if I am not sure whether they are female or male: "Do you have a Y chromosome?"

No joke.
Right. Distracting other students is something a teacher needs to address. So it should matter to a teacher that a kid has mental issues like thinking they are transgender and distracting others in the class.
Thinking alone never distracted anyone else.
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