Agree to disagree. For example, I doubt teachers are teaching kids that there's still a lot of unknown with transgender and it is possible that it is a mental illness. I know i wasn't taught that when it came up in psych.
No problem with academia being left. More liberals than conservatives go into education as a profession. That's not the point. Liberals can be objective as I'm sure you would agree. Radicals can't.
Challenging students is not the same as indoctrinating. More teachers are becoming more activist than educator. Challenge and help the students grow... objectively. Teach them to read and think deeply, not what to think. Teach them many perspectives, not shut down "hate speech", and don't encourage safe spaces and trigger warnings bc that is the exact opposite of challenging and helping students grow. For the love of God or big bang or whatever do it objectively.
Examples of teachers/professors and worse, admin, not doing these things are becoming more and more common. That is undeniable and it is a problem.
No, I mentioned trans kids as examples of students whose safety may require greater attention. It's not teachers' jobs to judge their students' orientation, gender identity, religion, immigration status, etc, but it
is their job to protect them from other students' judgments. If that means they're pushing an agenda of acceptance...
in the freakin' classroom... that's everything it ought to be.
When public school is under attack and its students are under attack, teachers
should be activists. In the classroom, they
must shut down hate speech. Classrooms
should be "safe spaces." The intellectual challenges students should face have to happen in an environment where they're encouraged to engage, not choose between fight and flight. That means it has to be safe -- a "safe space."
I don't doubt there are examples. That's anecdotal.
I don't see students being told what to think. I see them being taught
to think, but then when they open their mouths and say things people don't care for, they're dismissed as paid actors, Soros plants, mouthpieces, indoctrinated, etc. Look at the kids out of Parkland, Florida. Kids can be taught the right way and still choose to flow with the stream, of course, but that's sometimes harder to detect b/c it looks like mindless conformity until you delve beneath the surface. When kids espouse ideas that run counter to the status quo or however their parents raised them, it seems far more likely to me that it's the result of thinking for themselves than that some liberal teacher has brainwashed them.