Its quite alarming. These people pursue a career with the sole intention of having summers off so they can drink and be lazy, makes perfect sense why so many are caught banging students. They know what the pay will be yet they continue to complain about it and young people continue to gravitate towards a teaching degree. Mind bottling.
Nobody... ABSOLUTELY NOBODY... goes into teaching because they get the summers off. Or, if they do, they drop out within a year or two. There is NO "OMG I am looking forward to vacation" that makes the other ten months tolerable.
And yes, people CAN get into a profession and then want to improve it. Saying otherwise is just moronic. Not sure how anyone on the planet could possibly take the stance of "Well, you got into this job, so no complaining about it ever!" In fact, those who care about it have a RESPONSIBILITY to "complain" because we know how important it is and we see that it is dying out.
Thank god young people continue to get into education. Without teachers, human cultures do not function above the level of the Taliban-held areas of f'ing Afghanistan.
I'm not saying there aren't teachers who deserve more, but i can't see people choosing to teach, knowing before hand what the pay is and then complain about it. Now maybe the system needs looked into as the current model isn't ideal, privatize schools more IMO, but with the current model teachers don't have a leg to stand on.
Again, stupid. Find me a PROFESSION ON EARTH where you get hired and then can never complain. ONE PROFESSION ON EARTH. There isn't one. Stop having ridiculous, completely unrealistic standards for teachers that you don't have for anyone else.
And no, privatizing schools is a TERRIBLE idea. TERRIBLE. While there are
obvious shortcomings of a not-for-profit model, the idea that we might tie money to education is ridiculous. We already face massive issues dealing with funding in a system where the benefits are so far-reaching and difficult to evaluate and in which half of the people who pay for it do not directly benefit from it, but holy shit, the disaster we'd face when you have people whose primary goal is maximizing profits running the school? Christ, it would be a mess. And yeah, good luck properly evaluating 8 year olds who still believe in Santa and tying that to pay in a meaningful way.
There are certain pieces of our society, of American culture, which should be governed by something other than the search for money; while the search for money does create certain benefits of competition, it also tends to leave a lot of people behind, and you simply cannot do that in education of children.
Amazing how people can be so uninformed and also lack such foresight. I suppose if you are not involved with something you can have random thoughts, but you don't really spend time thinking about issues more in-depth.
Hey Bull, out of curiousity... what do you do for a living? How old are you? Where did you get your schooling?