My son is a badass…


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2009
…for a nerd. Just got through watching him mop the floor with the rest of the NWA quiz bowl nerds. Made the all star team with the second most correct answers of the entire region. The top 8 are 7 Asians and my son. Next stop is playing in the state tournament which is for straight cash.

Good job man! Nothing wrong with your son being a nerd, sounds like he”ll be a successful dude.

I did Quiz Bowl in HS, it honestly made learning random historical facts which I still remember more fun. You make something competitive, it becomes more exhilarating.
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Good job man! Nothing wrong with your son being a nerd, sounds like he”ll be a successful dude.

I did Quiz Bowl in HS, it honestly made learning random historical facts which I still remember more fun. You make something competitive, it becomes more exhilarating.
Absolutely! He loves it. He also couldn’t care less about the nerd stigma. He embraces it. Also really good at drums, do it evens out.
My kid played tag on his occulus today then watched YouTube for 6 hours.
My kid had his first baby today...... 😁 ....My first biological grand child. I had a college game early, then a HS game....But I couldn't be at the hospital anyways-----COVID protocol horse shit.

Born at 10:19 pm. Got the call on my way home. Face time.

Great day...
My kid played tag on his occulus today then watched YouTube for 6 hours.

Lol, sounds like mine, except he sits in the bed with the lights off for hours with his phone, goes downstairs and works out for like 15 minutes, then back to the bed with his phone or on the XBox so he can act like he is playing games while probably chatting inappropriate things with girls. We do have a six hour baseball scrimmage tomorrow south of Nashville somewhere so he will have to move around for that.

We had some of those academic quiz things when I was in middle school. Can't remember what team I was on. Math or science I would guess. We definitely did not study though.