It may be true that Weber was clean. Who knows? But man…people don’t understand how prevalent it is. I had a friend who played for Wooldridge at KSU. He got some nice cash payments. He was NOT a top 100 player. If a program as bad as Wooldridge’s wasn’t innocent, it can truly happen anywhere. My next door neighbor when I lived in Manhattan was a 3rd string RB I’m the early 2000s under Snyder and he had a nice leather couch and damn nice stereo/system all paid for by backers. And no I’m not trying to tear down KSU. I’m fully aware of what goes on for KU basketball and I heard some stories while Mangino was in town. I don’t doubt that even as bad as KU football has been, that there’s been some shady dealings. I’ve been of the opinion, due to what I know, that there are really only those who cheat and those who cheat well. There may be a couple clean guys, but they’re rare, and even then, they can’t prevent boosters from doing stuff.