How much money did your parents give you to buy a house?


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Gold Member
Sep 19, 2007
The reason I ask is because I see neighbors building big extra garages onto their houses and think that's about 60-80 grand. Probably more nowadays.

I think I make decent money compared to most MBs. I live in a nice house. Drive 2 paid for vehicles. But I'm not building onto my house.

Which leads me back to the question, how much support does the average family get from their parents. Cuz I haven't gotten shyt.

Hell, maybe it's college. Took me years to pay for that shyt
how much support does the average family get from their parents.

Next question . . . “


But, the wife and I bought a house for the oldest daughter and her husband, because they only qualified for an LLC loan and that required inspections and appraisals.

At the time, houses were selling in a day. People were paying cash. Sellers didn’t want to go through all the bs, so they lost out on every house they wanted.

House is still in our name, interest rates went sky high not long after.

With the economy the way it is, I've put off all my remodel projects at home too. Building materials are sky high right now. Each project would cost me so much more and I'm lucky, I do the work myself.

Paying a contractor to build, or renovate, is just bank account suicide right now.
Despite not needing the money, my father half jokingly wanted me to pay rent while in H.S.

He got his pound of flesh through forced labor upon me.
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The reason I ask is because I see neighbors building big extra garages onto their houses and think that's about 60-80 grand. Probably more nowadays.

I think I make decent money compared to most MBs. I live in a nice house. Drive 2 paid for vehicles. But I'm not building onto my house.

Which leads me back to the question, how much support does the average family get from their parents. Cuz I haven't gotten shyt.

Hell, maybe it's college. Took me years to pay for that shyt
$0 for me although my mom would have helped if I’d asked. However, I earn my own keep.

That said: Buy what you can afford and don’t worry what your neighbors are doing.

The fact is there are a whole bunch of people living fake rich lives because of poor financial acumen or sheer negligence.
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They deeded me some land which was part of their property.
Tell me you are from the Hamptons, without telling me you are from the Hamptons..

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When I was 16 my parents gave me a new car and put a bow on it in the driveway. When I was 18 my parents bought me a nice set of luggage and put a bow on it. When i was 21 my parents bought me a really nice home bar set and of course wrapped it in a bow.

Then when I turned 30 they of course bought me a brand new house, but they didn't put a bow on it! Don't worry, I blasted my parents on Facebook/Twitter and the Gram.
If I would of asked for help I would have gotten it. I got 4 brothers/sisters and I'm sure 2 of them received some assistance.
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My first car was about $6k and my parents made the payments after I put $1k down.

College tuition was covered by a scholarship, so we split room and board 50/50 (via loans).

I’m forever thankful for both. I expected and got nothing from them for my house.
When I was 16 my parents gave me a new car and put a bow on it in the driveway. When I was 18 my parents bought me a nice set of luggage and put a bow on it. When i was 21 my parents bought me a really nice home bar set and of course wrapped it in a bow.

Then when I turned 30 they of course bought me a brand new house, but they didn't put a bow on it! Don't worry, I blasted my parents on Facebook/Twitter and the Gram.
Beat up a lot in school, for sure....
My wife and I didn’t get any money for the house we bought.

But her parents did pay for our wedding (which was about 8 months after we bought our house), so that helped a bit.

That said: Buy what you can afford and don’t worry what your neighbors are doing.

The fact is there are a whole bunch of people living fake rich lives because of poor financial acumen or sheer negligence.
Not denying this at all as there's a lot, but there's also a lot that are just doing better financially despite what you see and how young they are. People tend to use this as a crutch to make themselves feel better.
When I was 16 my parents gave me a new car and put a bow on it in the driveway. When I was 18 my parents bought me a nice set of luggage and put a bow on it. When i was 21 my parents bought me a really nice home bar set and of course wrapped it in a bow.

Then when I turned 30 they of course bought me a brand new house, but they didn't put a bow on it! Don't worry, I blasted my parents on Facebook/Twitter and the Gram.

Being Jewish sounds awesome.