Congrats on having literally no accomplishments at allCongrats on your peach basket era accomplishments. RollLaugh
Congrats on having literally no accomplishments at allCongrats on your peach basket era accomplishments. RollLaugh
Congrats on having literally no accomplishments at all
And should we talk cheating and scandals?
I’d be pretty mad too if my favorite team didn’t have a top 30 program in basketball and/or football. And played in a conference that hasn’t been irrelevant since you're so triggered, you're double posting.
Address sucking ass for your programs entire existence.So address the cheating.
You guys suck at buying players. Laughing
Address sucking ass for your programs entire existence.
Yeah you definitely are mad. Deflecting from the argument . Then again, what are you supposed to say “yeah, we suck.” Not much else for you to say.What are you guys, bargin shoppers? Laughing
Yeah you definitely are mad. Deflecting from the argument . Then again, what are you supposed to say “yeah, we suck.” Not much else for you to say.
Your little brother has a winning record against everyone in the Big12 besides Kansas since WW2.Not true, but I leave the conference homerism to fans of irrelevant programs.
Our lil brother is significantly better than you. And they've lost to KU in 59 of the last 65 games. 😆 😆
Iowa said they are playing for keeps and taking booty holes like Charlie Sheen...
Guess they want Kansas.
Just like Sheen did to Feldman. Crisco Anus. Lol
This. Playing in the Big 10 affects seeding and whether a team even makes the tourney
Not true, but I leave the conference homerism to fans of irrelevant programs.
Our lil brother is significantly better than you. And they've lost to KU in 59 of the last 65 games. 😆 😆
Dude stop. #2 Baylor just ran #5 illinois off the court. Please stop. I’m actually worried about your mental health.
Your little brother has a winning record against everyone in the Big12 besides Kansas since WW2.
Hopefully they can match them up in the tournament.
Hawkit thinks they are going to Charlie Sheen KU...
I have little doubt that Hawkit and his fav team have male buttholes on their minds.
Yes, yours. Get the Crisco ready.
Yes, yours. Get the Crisco ready.
Two posts in a row, dude is full tilt triggered. Laughing
Shows the middle of the Big12 sucks a$$.From getting trounced by a D-2 school to whipping a top 3 B12 program. Impressive!
Shows the middle of the Big12 sucks a$$.
For from a guarantee.That's the bottom...
Both are predicted to finish 9th and 10th
Shows the middle of the Big12 sucks a$$.
For from a guarantee.
For from a guarantee.
No ISU sucks a$$, good reflection of the conference as a’s pretty much guaranteed.
Did you think Iowa had blown out a decent team or something?
How many titles does Kansas have in a row?Well, you haven’t been right yet, so why start now?
How many titles does Kansas have in a row?
1. Which also happens to be more than Iowa’s earned in the last 40 years.