I am 77 years old. I lived through the polio era et.al. I have faith in vaccines.
I take the vaccines that my doctor tells me to take, but the Covid shit was the fvcking government trying to force everyone to take it. Close schools, wear worthless masks, etc. It had little to do with the health care agencies. Then they (U.S. government agencies) had the CDC lying about all the facts surrounding the disease.
Don't get me wrong I took the vaccines because my doctor advised me to do it, not because of the damned government or CNN.
On top of that we had Dr. Fauci lying in a Senate hearing and then re-lying on various MSNBC and CNN telecasts making the Covid shot political. The bastard (Fauci) should be locked up. He told Dr. Rand Paul lie after lie while he, Fouci, was under oath in the Senate hearing. Nothing will ever come of it because he is on the correct side of the political aisle.
Health and politics should never be tied together but for three years they have been walking down the aisle arm in arm. Screw the peoples health it is political subjugation. Now we find out today that maybe 30 percent of the Covid deaths were from some other source.
My biggest problems with living through this era is I have too many hours in biology and chemistry. It is hard to understand the purpose of some of these political bastards.