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The student loan forgiveness stuff seems like a bandaid on an open wound because it doesn’t do anything to address the underlying issue, which is the cost of education. If anything, it gives incentives for it to continue to rise instead of decline.

I’m a bit middle ground on a lot of this. I don’t like blanket forgiveness, but I’m fine with targeted loan forgiveness in sectors of need and importance, like nursing. We’ve had a shortage for what feels like forever, which has gotten worse since the start of the Covid stuff.

Pretty much all the other positives and negatives have already been brought up so I won’t rehash them. But this seems pretty typical of our government. Put a bandaid on it and call it fixed, while kicking the can down the road on an actual sustainable solution.
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Stunning and brave.

Honestly, if I'm a women's college coach, why not just recruit a team full of transgenders? You could easily assemble the greatest "women's team" of all-time.
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went to bank, applied for loan. denied----so i came back, dressed as an illegal immigrant....
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The $10,000 doesn’t really help me.

***Trigger Warning***

because as part of the Public Student Loan Forgiveness program (PSLF) after 10 years of on time payments working for a my Not For Profit hospital I get my entire balanced forgiven.

Breathe, people. It’s ok.

I've been teaching 24 in qualifying schools so tried. I was told they haven't received my app yet and aren't in the loan business anymore or something. Whatever, I only owe about 10,000 now anyway. I will apply for this to get mine wiped but if I'm not eligible it's all good. I'm not really the target for what Biden is trying to forgive here anyway.
I've been teaching 24 in qualifying schools so tried. I was told they haven't received my app yet and aren't in the loan business anymore or something. Whatever, I only owe about 10,000 now anyway. I will apply for this to get mine wiped but if I'm not eligible it's all good. I'm not really the target for what Biden is trying to forgive here anyway.

They application process is pathetic

Duke is now responsible for two of the biggest racial hoaxes in NCAA history. Embarrassing.
The Duke AD, Nina King is complete trash. Talk about a woke fascist.

BYU conducted what looks like a pretty serious internal investigation. But, Duke wasn't about to accept any part of this investigation.


They took this allegation very seriously. And they found nothing. Students would have been closer to the alleged culprit than any volleyball player. What's interesting is there are reports online that the BYU student section was calling out the names of each of the Duke Volleyball players... and one of them happens to be Nikki. I'd say it's quite possible you could confuse Nikki with a certain racial slur.

And here's the statement from the Duke AD: "The 18 members of the Duke University volleyball team are exceptionally strong women who represent themselves, their families, and Duke University with the utmost integrity. We unequivocally stand with and champion them, especially when their character is called into question. Duke Athletics believes in respect, equality and inclusiveness, and we do not tolerate hate and bias. #HateWontLiveHere"
The Duke AD, Nina King is complete trash. Talk about a woke fascist.

BYU conducted what looks like a pretty serious internal investigation. But, Duke wasn't about to accept any part of this investigation.


They took this allegation very seriously. And they found nothing. Students would have been closer to the alleged culprit than any volleyball player. What's interesting is there are reports online that the BYU student section was calling out the names of each of the Duke Volleyball players... and one of them happens to be Nikki. I'd say it's quite possible you could confuse Nikki with a certain racial slur.

And here's the statement from the Duke AD: "The 18 members of the Duke University volleyball team are exceptionally strong women who represent themselves, their families, and Duke University with the utmost integrity. We unequivocally stand with and champion them, especially when their character is called into question. Duke Athletics believes in respect, equality and inclusiveness, and we do not tolerate hate and bias. #HateWontLiveHere"
I understand the AD at Duke's, response though. We had an episode last year at a HS game last year,where I know I heard a fan reference my partner as a, "lazy n#$$#r.."---I immediately went to the scorers table and told them I wanted to see the AD, and the principal(after the game). We spoke, they did their investigation, and didnt find evidence of a racial slur....But I know what I heard. We were given an apology. The AD is his response to IHSAA defended his students/fans, but also made it clear this woul not be tolerated...

Its a tough bridge to cross, tbh...
I understand the AD at Duke's, response though. We had an episode last year at a HS game last year,where I know I heard a fan reference my partner as a, "lazy n#$$#r.."---I immediately went to the scorers table and told them I wanted to see the AD, and the principal(after the game). We spoke, they did their investigation, and didnt find evidence of a racial slur....But I know what I heard. We were given an apology. The AD is his response to IHSAA defended his students/fans, but also made it clear this woul not be tolerated...

Its a tough bridge to cross, tbh...

How many people were at your game roughly? And how many times was the N-word hurled?

There was an estimated 5,700 people at the Duke-BYU Volleyball match. I just find it very hard to believe that somebody could say the N-word and not be outed. And according to the accusations, it wasn't just a single time. It was every single time she served. A single time could go perhaps go unnoticed. But come on, the n-word is marking yourself with a scarlet letter. Nobody is getting away with saying that multiple times. There were black student-athletes in the area where the Duke volleyball player claimed she heard the words. Why didn't anyone hear it besides the accuser? They did an extensive investigation reviewing audio, video, interviewing personnel from both sides, security guards, students, etc. Why is that there's not a shred of corroborating evidence?

The most likely scenario is Richardson misheard what she thinks was said (Duke has players named Nikki and Ngozi) - she told her godmother who broke the story on Twitter. She embellished a bit, and then they kept running with the same story. Her godmother isn't exactly sympathetic towards white people ... and she's also running for political office. There's a lot to this story that doesn't add up. This whole story reeks of virtue signaling.


How many people were at your game roughly? And how many times was the N-word hurled?

There was an estimated 5,700 people at the Duke-BYU Volleyball match. I just find it very hard to believe that somebody could say the N-word and not be outed. And according to the accusations, it wasn't just a single time. It was every single time she served. A single time could go perhaps go unnoticed. But come on, the n-word is marking yourself with a scarlet letter. Nobody is getting away with saying that multiple times. There were black student-athletes in the area where the Duke volleyball player claimed she heard the words. Why didn't anyone hear it besides the accuser? They did an extensive investigation reviewing audio, video, interviewing personnel from both sides, security guards, students, etc. Why is that there's not a shred of corroborating evidence?

The most likely scenario is Richardson misheard what she thinks was said (Duke has players named Nikki and Ngozi) - she told her godmother who broke the story on Twitter. She embellished a bit, and then they kept running with the same story. Her godmother isn't exactly sympathetic towards white people ... and she's also running for political office. There's a lot to this story that doesn't add up. This whole story reeks of virtue signaling.


Probably 4,000+ at our game.

Probably right that she misheard what was said----also possible she didn't. People tend sit in the same spot, with friends, etc....especially in a college setting. Hell i see the same people sitting in their normal seats at HS games all the time----seasonn tix holders. I meanits possible, IF said, that the person was sitting with a group of friends(season tix holders), and no one was willing to speak up? I dunno...Just saying thats a fine line for the Duke AD....Probably would have been better had she thanked the BYU administration for their thorough investigation, etc----also while defending her student athlete's..
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What’s the problem with Erin paying back what she borrowed instead of the government making money off of her? I don’t see how anyone should have a problem with that.
Agreed that the interest rates are absurd and need to be much lower, but the government also shouldn't be in the business of lending massive amounts of money for zero return on investment over the course of decades.
How many people were at your game roughly? And how many times was the N-word hurled?

There was an estimated 5,700 people at the Duke-BYU Volleyball match. I just find it very hard to believe that somebody could say the N-word and not be outed. And according to the accusations, it wasn't just a single time. It was every single time she served. A single time could go perhaps go unnoticed. But come on, the n-word is marking yourself with a scarlet letter. Nobody is getting away with saying that multiple times. There were black student-athletes in the area where the Duke volleyball player claimed she heard the words. Why didn't anyone hear it besides the accuser? They did an extensive investigation reviewing audio, video, interviewing personnel from both sides, security guards, students, etc. Why is that there's not a shred of corroborating evidence?

The most likely scenario is Richardson misheard what she thinks was said (Duke has players named Nikki and Ngozi) - she told her godmother who broke the story on Twitter. She embellished a bit, and then they kept running with the same story. Her godmother isn't exactly sympathetic towards white people ... and she's also running for political office. There's a lot to this story that doesn't add up. This whole story reeks of virtue signaling.


That lady is seriously running for political office? lol.... wow. What's up with "whypipoe" anyway? Who the **** says that? 😂
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That lady is seriously running for political office? lol.... wow. What's up with "whypipoe" anyway? Who the **** says that? 😂


I've never heard anybody use "whypipoe" before. I'm sure she thinks it's a hilarious insult - mostly just looks childish. She recently locked her twitter account. She must have been heckled quite a bit for her past tweets.

But, this BYU fan below has found a great way to spite her. Donating to her political opponent - and promoting his website lol.

No I plan to have kids and don't want to risk it.

Funny convos with my in laws.

Mother in law on 4th of July: Why aren't you vaxxed?

Me: It doesn't work . People can still get covid. Millions have sued over side effects. I don't trust it...

Mother in law: Please wear a mask when grandpa and grandma come

Me ( I was and did wear one ) Why?

Mother in law : You're not vaxxed

Me: But they are so why should I have to wear one if they're vaxxed. Doesn't it protect them.

Mother in law: But you could have delta variant.

Me: So why aren't you wearing a mask if the vaccine doesn't protect against variants?

Her: * Crickets

Me: Eating right, taking vitamins, getting chiropractic care and making good decisions are undefeated. Sounds the vaccine isn't.

I am 33. My aunt and uncle who are 75 and 89 respectively survived covid twice while having cancer. I have a 99.9 % survival rate. Why would I inject something into my body that causes side effects? Am I a re re?

I know a gal who took a flu vaccine and had an allergic reaction and she has to live with cold systems everyday for the rest of her life (fever, coughing, sneezing and runny nose) ... F that ish
Your MIL voted for Biden, didn't she?

I've never heard anybody use "whypipoe" before. I'm sure she thinks it's a hilarious insult - mostly just looks childish. She recently locked her twitter account. She must have been heckled quite a bit for her past tweets.

But, this BYU fan below has found a great way to spite her. Donating to her political opponent - and promoting his website lol.

Could you imagine if a white person spoke about black people the way she has tweeted about white people, especially someone in her position? Holy shit, all hell would break loose and they certainly would've been cancelled, unemployed, and likely murdered by now. But for her it's okay somehow, because she's black? She's obviously a bigot and stands firm in her hatred of whitey. I would venture to guess that she's never represented white people in her law practice. At least I would hope not given the way she speaks about them. If she has those people were probably completely unaware of her bigotry and she probably lost those cases on purpose. I just think it's hilarious that so many people (particularly racist black people) think only whites can be racist.
No I plan to have kids and don't want to risk it.

Funny convos with my in laws.

Mother in law on 4th of July: Why aren't you vaxxed?

Me: It doesn't work . People can still get covid. Millions have sued over side effects. I don't trust it...

Mother in law: Please wear a mask when grandpa and grandma come

Me ( I was and did wear one ) Why?

Mother in law : You're not vaxxed

Me: But they are so why should I have to wear one if they're vaxxed. Doesn't it protect them.

Mother in law: But you could have delta variant.

Me: So why aren't you wearing a mask if the vaccine doesn't protect against variants?

Her: * Crickets

Me: Eating right, taking vitamins, getting chiropractic care and making good decisions are undefeated. Sounds the vaccine isn't.

I am 33. My aunt and uncle who are 75 and 89 respectively survived covid twice while having cancer. I have a 99.9 % survival rate. Why would I inject something into my body that causes side effects? Am I a re re?

I know a gal who took a flu vaccine and had an allergic reaction and she has to live with cold systems everyday for the rest of her life (fever, coughing, sneezing and runny nose) ... F that ish

You lost me at chiropractic care
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Could you imagine if a white person spoke about black people the way she has tweeted about white people, especially someone in her position? Holy shit, all hell would break loose and they certainly would've been cancelled, unemployed, and likely murdered by now. But for her it's okay somehow, because she's black? She's obviously a bigot and stands firm in her hatred of whitey. I would venture to guess that she's never represented white people in her law practice. At least I would hope not given the way she speaks about them. If she has those people were probably completely unaware of her bigotry and she probably lost those cases on purpose. I just think it's hilarious that so many people (particularly racist black people) think only whites can be racist.

It's flabbergasting how many people believe black people can't be racist. They'll say something along the lines of, "they're not racist because they're not in a position of power. Whites are racists, because they have the power to do something."

That double standard would be all fine and well... but, first you need to consult Webster and make sure they change the definition of racism. Because I'm pretty sure it doesn't say, "only applies to white people - or people in power."
It's flabbergasting how many people believe black people can't be racist. They'll say something along the lines of, "they're not racist because they're not in a position of power. Whites are racists, because they have the power to do something."

That double standard would be all fine and well... but, first you need to consult Webster and make sure they change the definition of racism. Because I'm pretty sure it doesn't say, "only applies to white people - or people in power."
I never really understood the distinction. Does it work for individuals? There are many POC that have far more power than the vast majority of white people. Can those individuals then be racist, since they themselves have the power?
I never really understood the distinction. Does it work for individuals? There are many POC that have far more power than the vast majority of white people. Can those individuals then be racist, since they themselves have the power?

Right. Flip the switch. Now Obama and LeBron are capable of being racist because they're in positions of power. And poor white folks in the country can't be held accountable, because, as the woke have established, they're not in a position of power. I'm sure they would counter and say something like, "Well, white people collectively hold the power. And that's what matters."

It's Marxism at the core. That's the whole CRT argument. White people are oppressors - black people are victims. But, that's some seriously flawed logic. People are individuals, first and foremost. No race is a monolith. I'd never trust anyone that speaks on behalf of 50 million other people - or anyone that profits off of division, conflict, racial tension, etc.