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Those in office right now remind me off. Brewster's Millions. He had to spend as much as he could in a certain time or it was gone.
You left out those who joined the military to help pay.
That is a great point. Joining the military is a big sacrifice for a lot of people. Especially if the reason is to pay for college.

Also, what about the millions of people who didn't go to college because they weren't willing to take on a loan they were uncertain they'd be able to pay back?

As great as this is for some, it is a huge fvck you to others.
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I mean, when you go to college and pay for it via student loans, the idea is for it to pay off through a lucrative job opportunities. Some people get jobs that pay well enough to pay their debts off before the interest piles up. Some people don't. Just like any other contractual agreement, it's a gamble.

The important part here is that tax payers are footing the bill. That, and it is a huge spit in the face to the people who have already paid their debt and to the parents who worked hard to avoid having their children be in the situation. Fix the interest, sure.

Hail, I do get what you're saying about the interest and what you have paid on it being more than what the forgiveness amounts to. But that's not anyone else's problem.

Again, I’ve paid $15,000 in interest. The $10,000 in “relief” I’m getting is just getting some of that back.

Re: “That’s not anyone else’s problem”.

It would be everyone’s problem if people with student loan debt had avoided debt by going into non-college professions. You’d lose well over half of the Heath Care work force that is already decimated. That sounds good to you?

What’s better is supporting doctors and nurses by letting them borrow money and then letting them pay that exact amount back over time. Not slapping 6% interest rates on it when my credit union can finance my Mazda for 2.2%.
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I mean, when you go to college and pay for it via student loans, the idea is for it to pay off through a lucrative job opportunities. Some people get jobs that pay well enough to pay their debts off before the interest piles up. Some people don't. Just like any other contractual agreement, it's a gamble.

The important part here is that tax payers are footing the bill. That, and it is a huge spit in the face to the people who have already paid their debt and to the parents who worked hard to avoid having their children be in the situation. Fix the interest, sure.

Hail, I do get what you're saying about the interest and what you have paid on it being more than what the forgiveness amounts to. But that's not anyone else's problem.
The problem is that half these idiots are paying $60K a year to go to a "prestigious" college and then majoring in dumb shit like history, music, fine arts, etc. that will never land them jobs that pay a decent wage. They shouldn't be approved for these ridiculous loans to begin with.
That is a great point. Joining the military is a big sacrifice for a lot of people. Especially if the reason is to pay for college.

Also, what about the millions of people who didn't go to college because they weren't willing to take on a loan they were uncertain they'd be able to pay back?

As great as this is for some, it is a huge fvck you to others.

Join the military…. Get a free education.

Borrow money to go to college? Pay it back interest free or with really low rates.

Both things can still happen.
Again, I’ve paid $15,000 in interest. The $10,000 in “relief” I’m getting is just getting some of that back.

Re: “That’s not anyone else’s problem”.

It would be everyone’s problem if people with student loan debt had avoided debt by going into non-college professions. You’d lose well over half of the Heath Care work force that is already decimated. That sounds good to you?
Hail, I respect you. I think we are more in agreement than it seems. But people can make paying off their debt a priority when they have an income that aligns with their college education. I do not believe that people are going to avoid those occupations because of student loans. So I think the hypothetical scenario you present isn't relevant. Especially seeing how it hasn't been an issue to this point. Again, why is it the tax payer's problem that you accepted the terms of a loan?
Join the military…. Get a free education.

Borrow money to go to college? Pay it back interest free or with really low rates.

Both things can still happen.
And we can agree with this. But we won't agree with what is happening here.
That's great because they consider 9mm to be assault weapons.

It's hilarious that at the end he says they will assure that no one will steal an election again. Haha
It stinks we have to put an end to that shit of stealing elections. Should have never been a thought.
Hail, I respect you. I think we are more in agreement than it seems. But people can make paying off their debt a priority when they have an income that aligns with their college education. I do not believe that people are going to avoid those occupations because of student loans. So I think the hypothetical scenario you present isn't relevant. Especially seeing how it hasn't been an issue to this point. Again, why is it the tax payer's problem that you accepted the terms of a loan?

But you and half the population right now keep screaming “you shouldn’t have gone to college then!”

That’s a fun talking point but not at all realistic. You should be begging people to go to nursing school right now, not the contrary.

Thoughts on this? $130,000 paid and still has higher balance than what she borrowed.

But you and half the population right now keep screaming “you shouldn’t have gone to college then!”

That’s a fun talking point but not at all realistic. You should be begging people to go to nursing school right now, not the contrary.

Thoughts on this? $130,000 paid and still has higher balance than what she borrowed.

That's not what I am screaming. I think it's pretty clear what I am screaming. But to each his own.
That's not what I am screaming. I think it's pretty clear what I am screaming. But to each his own.

Sure it is. You keep saying the 6.50% interest rates are no problem but their own.

Even though they NEEDED those loans to go to nursing school and you NEEDED then to go to nursing school.

Your anger is aimed at the wrong people. You should be mad at the government for ever slapping borrowers with those interest rates to begin with, not at borrowers for getting some relief from it.
This person paid $130,000 in interest to the government and you have a problem with them getting $10,000 of it back.

Sure it is. You keep saying the 6.50% interest rates are no problem but their own.

Even though they NEEDED those loans to go to nursing school and you NEEDED then to go to nursing school.

Your anger is aimed at the wrong people. You should be mad at the government for ever slapping borrowers with those interest rates to begin with, not at borrowers for getting some relief from it.
Lol. My anger is 100% aimed at the government. I am not judging anyone who took the loans and are benefiting from this socialistic forgiveness program. I am simply saying that tax payers should not be paying for loans and the terms for them that they didn't accept. AGAIN, let's focus on the interest rates and not forgiving the loans. Something you yourself have said.
What do we do in 5-10 years? Are those before and after just out?

There's no reform. Nothing like state universities being free or anything of the sort. This is just going to happen again but with larger numbers.
This person paid $130,000 in interest to the government and you have a problem with them getting $10,000 of it back.

I have a problem with little joey, who never went to college and works at Walmart, having a single cent taken out of his paycheck to go towards that $10,000. Yes.
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Lol. My anger is 100% aimed at the government. I am not judging anyone who took the loans and are benefiting from this socialistic forgiveness program. I am simply saying that tax payers should not be paying for loans and the terms for them that they didn't accept. AGAIN, let's focus on the interest rates and not forgiving the loans. Something you yourself have said.

And let’s start that by giving people some relief on the ridiculous amount of interest payments already made.
What do we do in 5-10 years? Are those before and after just out?

There's no reform. Nothing like state universities being free or anything of the sort. This is just going to happen again but with larger numbers.
In 5-10 years, under this administration or the like, we will be nothing more than northern Mexico.
I have a problem with little joey, who never went to college and works at Walmart, having a single cent taken out of his paycheck to go towards that $10,000. Yes.

So you’re not okay with the person who paid $130,000 in interest getting $10,000 back from that?
What's crazy about all this is we don't print our own money. We borrow every cent from the Federal Reserve. Then we pay it back with interest.
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Doesn't mean that I have to agree with it. Sorry, not sorry.

Anyways, it's been weird hail. I feel like I have been arguing with ticket. Off to bed.
I understand and agree with both sides of the debate. Until you bring up the bs about poor johnny who never went to college is going to pay for it. Nobody is paying for it. They just fire up the magical printing machine and raise that deficit.

Since we have a competent government, they can't even say how much it will cost. Only a specific estimate of 200-600 billion.

My concern is inflation. It may not cause it to "increase" that much, but it will likely extend the current inflation so prices stay high. Then in a year from now they will repeat the famous line of "nobody knew handing out trillions would cause inflation"
I have about 12,000 in loans left from grad school, which I’ve essentially just been paying the interest off the last few years. This helps me personally, but I agree with Hail. The rates have been absurd, and they’ve been preying on students for years. I agree you should really consider your options when going to college, especially in a field that’s somewhat lucrative. With overly saturated markets and hyperinflation, things just aren’t the same as they once were when your parents attended. Which is half my annoyance with the elder generation lecturing on what “they would do”. Times have changed. It’s unfortunate, but the truth.
The rates are not the fault of taxpayers. Glad I get to pay extra now for people to go to school for mainly useless degrees. I paid off my debts, now I get to do the same for everyone else who can’t honor what they committed to!

The rates are not the fault of taxpayers. Glad I get to pay extra now for people to go to school for mainly useless degrees. I paid off my debts, now I get to do the same for everyone else who can’t honor what they committed to!


Taxpayers benefited from Erin paying $130,000 in student loan interest the past 10 years. God forbid she gets $10,000 of that back.
If society needs me to be a nurse because nurses are vital and there is a nurse shortage…..

And I’d like to be a nurse…….

And it costs me $75,000 to go to college to learn to be a nurse…….

Remember society needs this…….

Then how can anyone have an issue with me paying back the $75,000 I borrowed rather than the government making and additional $50,000 on interest as I repay it to total of $125,000?
This helps pretty much everyone in my immediate family. Never mind the talking points, how do we stop this going forward? Will students take out loans thinking they'll be bailed out? There seems to be a need for restructuring and not trying to fix it on the back end.

The debt is still there, where did it get shuffled to?