I understand that in most districts, possessing marijuana is illegal. So the people doing it know they are committing a crime. That said, the criminalizing of it is out of hand. I have been in community justice in some fashion for the better part of 15 years. I have never seen so many prosecutions involving marijuana than I have in the last year. Maybe it's not like that nationally, but here it is. They have been going hard at heroin, meth and opioid dealers here in this time frame and I think a lot of potheads are collateral damage. But we have a judge that treats them as if they were as bad as the heroin dealers. Constantly giving them monitoring devices and requiring weekly drug tests. It has increased my caseload by almost 200%. You would think that it would be going in the other direction seeing how it is being legalized in more and more states.
I don't know what that has to do with anything here, just venting I guess.