My point is your own countries people are in need of help from a major natural disaster. A once every 25-50 year type occurrence. But it has felt and seemed like the media is still pushing Trump and border stories predominantly. Everybody is more interested in pawning illegal immigrants fleeing to the border from other countries for their own sociopolitical agendas.
Ah. Well, I think there is a difference in that one was a happened-once natural occurrence, and one is ongoing, “man-made” political policy/actions of the United States. I wouldn’t expect those two things receiving the same type of coverage, especially if you are talking about long term, ongoing coverage?
Personally, I would hope we can help Californians who need it (which thankfully California is able to fund at least in part, and which also seems to be fewer than we may have for a bigger one
) and also help desperate people seeking asylum in our country. I think we all agree the United States can be pretty awesome, and I have complete empathy and sympathy for anyone, especially families (and MOST especially dads with kids, being one myself), who have things so badly that they take such risks to help their families by being in this great country. While I am not sure what the long term solution is, I would hope that we treat these people with kindness and understanding, which might cost a few more dollars on my tax bill, but I’m willing to do that in order to feel that the United States, my country, is doing it right, and frankly, with our giant TVs and cable bills and SUVs, I think we can manage it. I am a big believer in the whole “your tired/poor/huddled masses, yearning to breathe free” thing
I suspect most people here would agree with that paragraph, when push comes to shove, even if there are differences in opinion at where the money to do this could come from?