
Though it would explain a lot of his Twitter habits, I am afraid the Donald doesn't drink. One of his worst qualities. Could you imagine the shit that would come out of a drunk Trump's mouth?

Imagine the shit that would come in a drunk Trump's mouth.
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But I think that's the current argument right or wrong. There is now evidence coming out that conservatives are being banned, shadow banned, limited in terms of their outreach on the internet by some of the larger social media companies. I don't think they should be doing anything like censorship outside of clear crimes. It's when they get into this "hate speech" nonsense that it gets murky. A great example is that NY Times new writer. She posted some really vile shit about white people. Nothing happened to hear. Candice Owens, a black female conservative, replicated the Times writer's tweets and was banned for a period of time. Nothing happened to the Times writer. There are multiple examples of things just like this. The hard part, in my opinion, is deciding to jump in a regulate everything or completely stay out of the fray. Don't know what the right answer is.

A little disingenuous, to say the least...For a minute let's disregard the fact that Sarah Jeong was trolling back against all the white supremacist trolls who were waging a concerted attack campaign against her. She didn't believe the "vile shit" she posted- she was lashing out at her attackers. She's a gay feminist Korean- American, and as such was a convenient target for the racist trolls at 4 chan...

But aside from all that, the MAIN difference between her tweets and the ones Candice Owens made is that Sarah was tweeting to about 100 or so followers in 2014 and 2016. There was NO standard of conduct on Twitter at that point in time, which we know because Neo-Nazis and Fascists were tweeting openly on a daily basis. In fact one of the anti-semitic tweets Trump retweeted was from an openly Neo Nazi site...

The Owens tweets came AFTER Twitter had instituted rules of conduct and kicked many of the offenders off. The reality is that had she made those tweets in 2014 or even 2016, she would have been treated the same as Jeong. Again we know that because there was no regulation of openly racist twitter pages in 2014/2016, when Sarah posted the tweets some of you got so wound up about...
A little disingenuous, to say the least...For a minute let's disregard the fact that Sarah Jeong was trolling back against all the white supremacist trolls who were waging a concerted attack campaign against her. She didn't believe the "vile shit" she posted- she was lashing out at her attackers. She's a gay feminist Korean- American, and as such was a convenient target for the racist trolls at 4 chan...

But aside from all that, the MAIN difference between her tweets and the ones Candice Owens made is that Sarah was tweeting to about 100 or so followers in 2014 and 2016. There was NO standard of conduct on Twitter at that point in time, which we know because Neo-Nazis and Fascists were tweeting openly on a daily basis. In fact one of the anti-semitic tweets Trump retweeted was from an openly Neo Nazi site...

The Owens tweets came AFTER Twitter had instituted rules of conduct and kicked many of the offenders off. The reality is that had she made those tweets in 2014 or even 2016, she would have been treated the same as Jeong. Again we know that because there was no regulation of openly racist twitter pages in 2014/2016, when Sarah posted the tweets some of you got so wound up about...
Stopped reading after the first paragraph. That was enough to know I couldnt take you seriously on this topic.
Anyone see Cohens lawyer backtracked on Cohen knowing that Trump knew about the Russia meeting in advance? What a dumbass... that’s a pretty big “mistake” to make!
Had to be strategic in some form or fashion. Guys at his level typically don’t make those kinds of mistakes.
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Racism is excusable if it is in response to racism. If everyone responded to racism with racism, it would be eradicated from society in no time.
Yup. Conservatives get that kind of harassment on Twitter as well. The difference is you don’t see most public people conservative or liberal responding to that type of crap. The Times contributor did and it was terrible regardless of what reason they come up with to try and spin it. Pretty disgusting to see some try and explain it away like it wasn’t a big deal. If the shoe were on the other foot...
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Had to be strategic in some form or fashion. Guys at his level typically don’t make those kinds of mistakes.
It might be the new standard form of manipulating the news cycle. Say something that gets a ton of coverage---half the people will remember that as the truth and never see the correction.
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It might be the new standard form of manipulating the news cycle. Say something that gets a ton of coverage---half the people will remember that as the truth and never see the correction.
Totally agree. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, for now. But I can totally see this as a standardized weapon used by the MSM constantly. They quickly release a "bombshell" story with anonymous sources for the fact of being first if it is something that hurts Trump regardless of how solid the sourcing is. Then, if it's wrong just correct it on page 9 or at the bottom of your website to save face OR in CNN's case, double down and hope people aren't smart enough to believe Cohen's own lawyer would know more than anyone else. If it's something that helps Trump, they'll go to the ends of the earth to make sure the sources are accurate before running the story. And to throw one more piece in, they'll overkill the stories that hurt Trump with airtime and only mention the things that help him. It's really interesting to see this all play out.
The media has too much influence on the American voters. And that influence is being exploited by people in power from the FBI to the president himself. You can call it a conspiracy theory if you'd like, but it is pretty clear.

If it were a regular citizen being investigated, nothing Mueller has found would even be admissible in court. I do think that when it comes to politicians, especially the president, some of those rules should be nullified. But this whole investigation started with at best, not enough evidence, at worst, a phony dossier. All because the FBI used a foreign intelligence loophole to obtain a FISA warrant by leaking stories to the media and then using the eventual articles as the basis for their warrants. The media has been weaponized by an agency that is supposed to refrain from politics. And the Democrats don't care now, because it is being used to hurt the Republicans.
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Totally agree. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, for now. But I can totally see this as a standardized weapon used by the MSM constantly. They quickly release a "bombshell" story with anonymous sources for the fact of being first if it is something that hurts Trump regardless of how solid the sourcing is. Then, if it's wrong just correct it on page 9 or at the bottom of your website to save face OR in CNN's case, double down and hope people aren't smart enough to believe Cohen's own lawyer would know more than anyone else. If it's something that helps Trump, they'll go to the ends of the earth to make sure the sources are accurate before running the story. And to throw one more piece in, they'll overkill the stories that hurt Trump with airtime and only mention the things that help him. It's really interesting to see this all play out.
C’mon man. Let’s not act like Trump is also making strategic moves with his actions. People who say he is an idiot aren’t seeing the big picture. I assure you everything he says or tweets has been vetted through focus groups and other research. Just look at how he is using fear to garner more support from the evangelicals. Drawing up pictures of violence and immediate over turn of all of the great things he has given them. Talk about taking advantage of seniors and the less informed. I mean, we are still a three branch government and expect our legislation to go through that process, right?

If you want to call the MSM or fake news out on this shit show, you may want to give the ring leader some credit. Let’s be honest here. I have never felt like CNN or NBC were state sponsored media...ever. I, as a former long time Fox News watcher, absolutely am embarrassed, and a bit frightened, but how they have become the “Al Jezeer” of the U.S.

Finally, the news channels aren’t giving you the news very often. For the majority of the time they are only giving numerous opinions on the news, not the news itself.
C’mon man. Let’s not act like Trump is also making strategic moves with his actions. People who say he is an idiot aren’t seeing the big picture. I assure you everything he says or tweets has been vetted through focus groups and other research. Just look at how he is using fear to garner more support from the evangelicals. Drawing up pictures of violence and immediate over turn of all of the great things he has given them. Talk about taking advantage of seniors and the less informed. I mean, we are still a three branch government and expect our legislation to go through that process, right?

If you want to call the MSM or fake news out on this shit show, you may want to give the ring leader some credit. Let’s be honest here. I have never felt like CNN or NBC were state sponsored media...ever. I, as a former long time Fox News watcher, absolutely am embarrassed, and a bit frightened, but how they have become the “Al Jezeer” of the U.S.

Finally, the news channels aren’t giving you the news very often. For the majority of the time they are only giving numerous opinions on the news, not the news itself.
Totally agree that Trump is participating in the same type of thing. I do, however, think he’s doing all this because of how he’s treated by the MSM. Not sure if he’d do the same type of dumb shit if he wasn’t constantly attacked by the MSM or not. My guess is he would still do and say dumb shit like he does constantly now.

I also agree that the MSM is largely opinion pieces on the actual news. Then it turns into arguments and people on opposite sides of the spectrum selectively using information to make their points and purposely trying to mislead the public. Politicians and the MSM are not trustworthy. None of them. Conservative and Liberal. Democrat and Republican. They are all equally untrustworthy, if you ask me.
But this whole investigation started with at best, not enough evidence, at worst, a phony dossier. All because the FBI used a foreign intelligence loophole to obtain a FISA warrant by leaking stories to the media and then using the eventual articles as the basis for their warrants.

That is not quite what happened. And there has never been anything in the dossier proved false.

C’mon man. Let’s not act like Trump is also making strategic moves with his actions. People who say he is an idiot aren’t seeing the big picture. I assure you everything he says or tweets has been vetted through focus groups and other research. Just look at how he is using fear to garner more support from the evangelicals. Drawing up pictures of violence and immediate over turn of all of the great things he has given them. Talk about taking advantage of seniors and the less informed. I mean, we are still a three branch government and expect our legislation to go through that process, right?

If you want to call the MSM or fake news out on this shit show, you may want to give the ring leader some credit. Let’s be honest here. I have never felt like CNN or NBC were state sponsored media...ever. I, as a former long time Fox News watcher, absolutely am embarrassed, and a bit frightened, but how they have become the “Al Jezeer” of the U.S.

I think you are giving Trump WAY too much credit, in terms of how much process there is before he tweets. Donald has always been a very emotional and reactive person, long before he ever became President, and does what he wants. That’s always been his MO. I would be shocked if he runs tweets by anyone. He DOES have an excellent feel for how to operate and what to say and how to manipulate his base, and obviously he has strategy meetings, but I sincerely doubt that much work goes into any single tweet.

And ownership not withstanding, Al Jazeera is actually a pretty well respected news organization.

The evangelical thing (“this is a referendum on your religion, and it will get violent if we lose!”) and the stock market thing (“the economy would collapse if I was impeached”) were horrifyingly embarrassing.
And there has never been anything in the dossier proved false.
I don’t believe this is correct. IIRC, there have been pieces that have been proven false. There’s a lot of the dossier that hasn’t been proven true, too.
Yellow journalism is nothing new. It’s documented in US media as far back as the Spanish-American War. It was rampant in the early 20th century, where there are documented news articles nationwide about everything from aliens to giants.

Much like a free market, with a free media it assumes the power of choice will drive quality. So, if there is in fact a loss of trust in a media outlet, it’s on the consumer to seek out reliable sources.

The sad thing about our hyper-partisan environment is that organizations latch on to being on a side and the constituents then buy in as believing all other organizations are untrustworthy. Even more, people view news as entertainment and don’t necessarily seek our facts. They just want news that reinforces their perspective or they watch news that will evoke some kind of emotional response so they have something to be emotional about. The big media organizations are well aware of that and manipulate the shit out of it.

News has never been more freely accessible than it is right now though and that’s the irony. One hundred years ago, you had one or two papers and that’s it. So, I really don’t get the outrage.
That is not quite what happened. And there has never been anything in the dossier proved false.

It is exactly what happened. They did not have enough evidence for a FISA warrant with the dossier, so they leaked the dossier to the media in order to use the foreign intelligence act to misrepresent the evidence to a judge in order to obtain a warrant. The dossier being phony was the "at worst" scenario. Not what I am claiming it is.
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Yellow journalism is nothing new. It’s documented in US media as far back as the Spanish-American War. It was rampant in the early 20th century, where there are documented news articles nationwide about everything from aliens to giants.

Much like a free market, with a free media it assumes the power of choice will drive quality. So, if there is in fact a loss of trust in a media outlet, it’s on the consumer to seek out reliable sources.

The sad thing about our hyper-partisan environment is that organizations latch on to being on a side and the constituents then buy in as believing all other organizations are untrustworthy. Even more, people view news as entertainment and don’t necessarily seek our facts. They just want news that reinforces their perspective or they watch news that will evoke some kind of emotional response so they have something to be emotional about. The big media organizations are well aware of that and manipulate the shit out of it.

News has never been more freely accessible than it is right now though and that’s the irony. One hundred years ago, you had one or two papers and that’s it. So, I really don’t get the outrage.
For me, it's not outrage. It's just worth pointing out. You are 100% right about the emotional response being the driving force.
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For me, it's not outrage. It's just worth pointing out. You are 100% right about the emotional response being the driving force.

That’s fair. And it should be pointed out. But there sure as **** shouldn’t be government interference with it.
"That is not quite what happened. And there has never been anything in the dossier proved false."

Actually several things have been proven beyond a doubt as false. IIRC, several people were mentioned as traveling to certain locations which was proven later to have been pure fantasy. Their passports showed no such travel, and many had corroborating witnesses that proved they were in the States on the dates the dossier said they were in foreign cities doing nefarious things.

The MI5 guy made up a bunch of crap about pissing the bed with prostitutes that has no basis in truth. He got his money from the DNC, laundered through Fusion GPS. Wake up and smell the bull shit! The whole dossier is a fake. In many respects, this is just like the little boy who cried "wolf". When something really bad does happen, most folks are going to pass it off as another fake news story, when in fact, they had better be paying attention.


By the way, the Yahoo help desk will not help me post more than once per day, so I may well abandon this board altogether. I can't really participate in debates or any of the back-and-forth's with a one-shot muzzle loader. Picture an Indian accent: "I'm sorry Mr. Mathboy, but you must subscribe to post more than once in the free board".
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That is not quite what happened. And there has never been anything in the dossier proved false.

I think you are giving Trump WAY too much credit, in terms of how much process there is before he tweets. Donald has always been a very emotional and reactive person, long before he ever became President, and does what he wants. That’s always been his MO. I would be shocked if he runs tweets by anyone. He DOES have an excellent feel for how to operate and what to say and how to manipulate his base, and obviously he has strategy meetings, but I sincerely doubt that much work goes into any single tweet.

And ownership not withstanding, Al Jazeera is actually a pretty well respected news organization.

The evangelical thing (“this is a referendum on your religion, and it will get violent if we lose!”) and the stock market thing (“the economy would collapse if I was impeached”) were horrifyingly embarrassing.
I am not saying he gets input on specific tweets. What I am saying is that there is research behind his motives when he tweets. He has been doing this since day one and many of the most outrageous tweets are under designed to either outrage or deflect. Public speaking 101, gain the audiences respect by making them believe you are one of them and that the things you care about are also things they care about. This gives you the power to shape opinions as when I am fighting for what I believe, I am really fighting for you. Trump embraced CNN early on as he was getting free exposure. Somewhere around the time Bannin got involved, he pivoted and shunned the MSM and embraced Fox and Brietbart. He has done a pretty good job of become “a part” of many different right leaning groups of which he has had zero history with before. His methods are exactly like others before him, except he has convinced a modern day electorate that their biggest enemy is their neighbor. Pretty crazy stuff just to get some laws passed if you ask me.
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Moderators, please wake up. This board is being misused. Please lock this sh*t so we can stay on course with Duke athletics
what we have learned so far this week
(1) CNN ran with a story that Cohen's attorney has said was false, but they are still running with it even though every other news outlet has run from it
(2) Hillary's email were hacked in real time by the Chinese
(3) Ohre admitting to giving the dossier to the FBI, while also stating that the dossier would never hold up in court
it also looks like he is throwing everyone under the bus that was involved (this is going to get interesting)
(3) Ohre admitting to giving the dossier to the FBI, while also stating that the dossier would never hold up in court

it also looks like he is throwing everyone under the bus that was involved (this is going to get interesting)
what we have learned so far this week
(1) CNN ran with a story that Cohen's attorney has said was false, but they are still running with it even though every other news outlet has run from it
(2) Hillary's email were hacked in real time by the Chinese
(3) Ohre admitting to giving the dossier to the FBI, while also stating that the dossier would never hold up in court
it also looks like he is throwing everyone under the bus that was involved (this is going to get interesting)
If you believe right wing propaganda, this is all true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I should correct myself. The first one is true. Lanny Davis has backed off a couple of claims he made. The other two stories are based on unamed sources, on extreme right wing biased websites.
Yeah and I guess we don’t necessarily have confirmation that Hillary’s emails were hacked. There have been claims made, but not proven, yet. The Bruce Ohr stuff seems to be true as well.
The Bruce Ohr stuff seems to be true as well.

What "Bruce Ohr stuff" is "true"? Ohr is a DoJ operative who specializes in international organized crime. He's never worked for the Special Counsel, although I'm sure Mueller has consulted with him a time or two.

The reason he has Trump's full attention right now is because he's the top investigator of the Russian Mafia and understands how they launder their money through Trump's 'businesses'. His only 'crime' is investigating and/or indicting the Russian mobsters who line Trump's pockets (ie invest in his properties).

Why is it that every FBI/DOJ official who Trump publicly attacks is someone who can testify against him in some way or another? Seems fishy to rational people who are paying attention to the details...
What "Bruce Ohr stuff" is "true"? Ohr is a DoJ operative who specializes in international organized crime. He's never worked for the Special Counsel, although I'm sure Mueller has consulted with him a time or two.

The reason he has Trump's full attention right now is because he's the top investigator of the Russian Mafia and understands how they launder their money through Trump's 'businesses'. His only 'crime' is investigating and/or indicting the Russian mobsters who line Trump's pockets (ie invest in his properties).

Why is it that every FBI/DOJ official who Trump publicly attacks is someone who can testify against him in some way or another? Seems fishy to rational people who are paying attention to the details...
Left wing propaganda.
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