Celebrity or Artist that others think is attractive, but you don’t.

Anyone Asian or African American

Rihanna's boobs are subpar, at best, and that stupid looking chest tattoo doesn't help matters. Her butt isn't anything to write home about either. All of that said, she has a reputation as kind of a freak in the sheets with a high sex drive, so that's working in her favor.

I have a retroactive submission. We all know Lindsay Lohan is gross now, but back in her 'prime' I still didn't see the attraction dudes had for her. I like redheads and I like boobs, but something about her was just not getting the job done. She has crackhead teeth, imo.
Rihanna's boobs are subpar, at best, and that stupid looking chest tattoo doesn't help matters. Her butt isn't anything to write home about either. All of that said, she has a reputation as kind of a freak in the sheets with a high sex drive, so that's working in her favor.
Yeah but she's obviously mouthy, just ask Chris Brown.
Overrated: Jolie, Jennifer Aniston (Pitt blew it twice), Jennifer Lopez, Biel, Rihanna.

Not overrated: Megan Fox, Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Beckinsale, Margot what's-her-name from Wolf on Wall St (holy sheeeit).
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I would have said Jessica Chastain for years, but then I saw Molly’s Game and I couldn’t take my eyes of her boobs.
A bit off topic. Is it morally wrong to fap it to women who have since passed? Dana Plato, Marilyn Chambers, Anna Nicole Smith, etc.
I've been sitting on that one for a while. I just never got it and since she was considered a "celebrity" I thought now would be the perfect time to say I disagreed with those who found her attractive.
I never thought of her that way because she was old. But older actress that was smoking in her younger years was Jane Seymour. Far cry from Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. Classically Hot!

I hate all the plastic looking girls. Especially the ones that have the fake butt. C'mon man. Can't do some squats?
I never thought of her that way because she was old. But older actress that was smoking in her younger years was Jane Seymour. Far cry from Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. Classically Hot!


Is her head on backwards?