You were the one who set the ban, the last ban you said I’d have a set amount of time before I could come back, that was a year and a half ago. You also saying “if I would behave” is rich af. Do you still not get the point of this thread?!? My lord! Zipp and a few of his cronies can say/do whatever they want on “your board”, but any time one of us has any sort of rebuttal for their bullshit rhetoric, we get banned. I did ask for a ban, the first ban, the second, uhmmm not so much. Don’t lie, you’re just a shit mod that lost control of a board you’re supposed to moderate. You lost control of it to a dense, pathetic moron, who adds nothing to anything new related to UofL. Anytime any good news is presented about the program since his beloved Tom Jurich was removed, he has nothing but harsh words and negativity toward the topic. You can throw your one jab at me “you asked for a ban this one time 2 years ago” and we had a talk, etc. Cool, since then you banned me again and never reinstated me, so I have to log out of this board to read the horseshit posted by fair weathered fans who only care about a couple of jerks who screwed our program nationally, and slandered it to no end. They don’t love UofL, and it seems like you don’t either.