What Level Of Gentlemanliness(?) Do You Treat Your Girl/Wife/Life Partner to?

I have heard the same thing. I was told it was so if a car passed by and splashed water, the man would shield the woman from getting wet. I always walk between the road and my wife. Just habit I guess. And yes, I was raised in the south.

My wife explained it to me as I'd be the one hit by a car if one jumped the curb, lol. I told her that if a car is coming at me, I'm getting the hell out of the way and she should too.
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Along those lines aren't you supposed to let a lady go up the stairs first and the man lead when going down the stairs.
That's the reason I give, but not necessarily the real reason.


I’m pretty gentlemanly with my wife... with most women, to be honest. My only shortcoming is an absolute dedication to honesty, which can sometimes run afoul of being a gent:)