UNC vs Iowa

Not sure why. You should make a bunch of threes and we can't shoot or take care of the ball. You probably score 100.
Doing the same dumb shit we have done all year. I don't even think this team practices.
Just a dumb team. No idea of how to play defense and a bunch of guys who can't shoot worth a damn.
Sometimes Roy does really dumb shit. Calling a double team at the end of the half is just extremely stupid. Just dumb. No excuse for that level of crappy coaching.
11 threes in a half is just inexcusable. This isn't freaking 1990.
I've seen this play before. UNC gets back in and then sucks down the stretch.
UNC has better players
No doubt. Just haven’t learned to really play together yet. Feel a disconnect between our guards and bigs. Our bigs are so good, though. If Roy can figure it out, we can make a run w this squad. Guard play, as I’ve already said, will be the issue.
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