Dan McDonald has ranked the jobs by conference. Now it's time for him to list the top 10 jobs in the sport.
- Kentucky
- Kansas
- Duke
- Arizona
- Ville
- Indiana
- Florida
- Nova
- Zags
Few things...
1. No way shape or form is Gonzaga a Top 10 job. Top 10 program fo sure. But a Top 10 job? Nope.
2. Most underrated job on this list: Villanova at #9.
3. Most underrated jobs NOT on the list: DePaul and St. John's.
IMO, jobs like UK, KU, UNC, Duke and IU are interchangeable. All 5 are programs that share the same advantages. None has anyting the other cannot offer.
For me the Top 10 would be:
1-5: UK, IU, UNC, Duke and KU. In no order folks, so put down the knives, swords and rifles...
6. Villanova. Great location. A better history than what most know. Facilities are solid.
7. Louisville: Has most of the amenities of the others...Only one problem---NCAA. To me that stains the job, and easily could drop it out of the Top 10.
8. DePaul: Dude, one word---Chicago. The right dude, i.e.a Calipari like recruiting dude, could/would smash it here. DePaul has some good , decent history. To me, a sleeping giant.
9. St. Johns---See "DePaul".
10. Lots of places could go here----Mich St, Michigan, Arizona...My pick?
Georgetown....See DePaul/St. Johns. Folks these are programs that are nestled in the center of great HS talent. Traditions that have been lost. I just think when you speak of jobs, you have to look at more than just history..You have to look at the ability to produce history. I think all three fit that criteria.