Dude, wtf do you think are the slander or misinterpretation? I assume by all your posts that you actually listen to him/read his website, so fill us in. 9/11 and OK city were done by the US government, Bill Gates is some eugenicist, the people in Charlottesville were Jewish spies, and Hillary Clinton chopped up and raped more people than can be counted? And you think this is... okay?
And who actually subscribes the the theory that if someone really believes they are doing right that is okay? Hitler thought he was doing right. A good person? How in the hell do you constantly push this “Sandy Hook was faked” bullshit, for years, to the point that people are harassing the parents of these kids, sending them constant death threats, to the point where some of them are moving five, six, seven times, if you are a “good person?” Hint: you don’t.
You are sticking up for this piece of shit, and not even in a “freedom of speech” sort of way, but in a “Oh no, he is actually a good guy and people are lying about him” sort of way. That’s absolutely pitiful. I am guessing you are a fan of his, although maybe you won’t straight up admit it. Wait, were you that mouth breather that bought into all of these ridiculous conspiracies before? Or was that someone else?
Actually, I am sticking up mainly for freedom of speech and anti-fascism.
I listen occasionally, more for his recurring guests and fill-in hosts, some of which are interesting and have a more refined approach.
I don't remember spouting conspiracy theories. But then again, in today's world, pointing out facts or raising reasonable questions (such as why does our gov't borrow money from a private bank at interest instead of printing it for free?) is considered conspiracy theory.
As for what's been misrepresented...Do you even know what the claims are? Can you name one example of this "hate speech" that led to a multitude of companies acting at once to remove his platform? Probably not, because again...no fact-checking. After all, this is the guy who thinks Sandy Hook is a hoax!! That's all that needs to be said, right? Nevermind that he backed off on that stance anyway. Regardless of what his stance is, it's ****ing absurdity to hold him accountable for threats made by random wackos. Should we call for Madonna and De Niro to be banned from their platforms every time a threat is made to the president? Those assassination-inciting assholes!
Aside from the unspecified "hate speech," they cited a video that Infowars posted, in which a child was pushed by an adult, labeling it "child endangerment." Sounds legit.
From the lists you keep rattling off, it seems like you're referencing the Rolling Stone article from awhile back, some of which is misrepresented or out of context, and some, yes, he does believe to some extent or capacity.
But to use the example of Bill Gates being a racist eugenicist...I mean, the founder of Planned Parenthood (huge idol of Hillary's, by the way) was a well-established Eugenicist and created the "Negro Project," an effort to promote contraception among black populations in the South. So, given that Gates has donated like 100 mil to PP and other abortion organizations, and his dad headed Planned Parenthood at one point, it's not the most absurd theory in the world, is it?