Im not so sure Michigan had more “talent” than LSU. You can’t count on two different players having career games every time out. Granted franz played like ass until the last 5 mins or so, and I don’t think he will play that bad again. And johns did look good. But they call OOB on brown and a block on that charge call on Thomas and I think that game would’ve went to the wire. Credit the wolverines for showing some major grit bc it was a great back and forth game until the last 5 mins or so iirc.
But Barnes, Gray, pollite, balsa, mj walker, os Bourne, FSU has plenty of talent, and I’m sure I’m missing someone bc they are crazy deep.
I think the key will be pace of the game as you mentioned and how well Dickinson plays, bc imo he’s Michigan’s best mismatch, but balsa is no scrub. Also if FSU can defend Mich and force turnovers anywhere near the way they did colorodo, it will come down to the wire imo. If they can turn mich over and hit their threes, it could get ugly.
But if they don’t it could get ugly in the opposite direction. But I think both teams have really good coaches and will have them dialed in and I am expecting a really good game. Best of the round imo.