Summer intel


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2015
Any practice hearings?


Flory Bidunga (FR) showed up taller than expected--measured at 6'10 w/ shoes. His athleticism and wing span have stood out. True rim protector. Flashes of greatness (dunks, blocks and hooks) but fairly raw offensively and needs some bulk. Most of his struggles so far are due to playing against stronger players.

Zeke Mayo - struggled to adjust in his first week or two, but has looked much better since.

Shakeel Moore - surprised people with his athleticism and picked up the system quickly. Hearing nothing but good things about Moore.

Rylan Griffen - Has struggled a little to adjust. He’s an established shooter, but they're pushing him to develop other areas of his game, especially defense.

Rakease Passmore (FR) - probably the biggest surprise so far. Early talk is overwhelmingly positive. Big-time athlete, maybe 1st round potential.

Storr's been w/ the Bahamas national team most of the summer. Led the team in scoring against Greece.
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Any practice hearings?


Flory Bidunga (FR) showed up taller than expected--measured at 6'10 w/ shoes. His athleticism and wing span have stood out. He's said to be a true rim protector. Flashes of greatness (mostly dunks, blocks and hook shots). Fairly raw offensively and needs some bulk. Most of his struggles so far are due to playing against stronger players.

Zeke Mayo - apparently struggled to adjust in his first week or two, but has looked far better since. Someone described him as looking great recently.

Shakeel Moore - Most assumed he'd have a small role, but that might not be the case. Apparently he's surprised people with his athleticism and has picked up the system quickly. Hearing nothing but good things about Moore.

Rylan Griffen - Has struggled a little to adjust. Obviously he's an established shooter, but they're pushing him to develop other areas of his game, especially defense. Overall he's been okay so far and is putting in hard work to improve where he needs to.

Rakease Passmore (FR) - maybe the biggest surprise so far. Early talk is overwhelmingly positive. Big-time athlete with shooting ability, maybe 1st round potential.

Storr's been w/ the Bahamas national team most of the summer. Led the team in scoring against Greece.

Heard that Dickinson's putting in more work than usual in the gym.
okay, that's great...
Any practice hearings?


Flory Bidunga (FR) showed up taller than expected--measured at 6'10 w/ shoes. His athleticism and wing span have stood out. True rim protector. Flashes of greatness (dunks, blocks and hooks) but fairly raw offensively and needs some bulk. Most of his struggles so far are due to playing against stronger players.

Zeke Mayo - struggled to adjust in his first week or two, but has looked much better since.

Shakeel Moore - surprised people with his athleticism and picked up the system quickly. Hearing nothing but good things about Moore.

Rylan Griffen - Has struggled a little to adjust. He’s an established shooter, but they're pushing him to develop other areas of his game, especially defense.

Rakease Passmore (FR) - probably the biggest surprise so far. Early talk is overwhelmingly positive. Big-time athlete, maybe 1st round potential.

Storr's been w/ the Bahamas national team most of the summer. Led the team in scoring against Greece.
I can't give you much because I'm more of a seasonal fan.

However, UT feels pretty good about our portal pick ups and expects to be a top 10-15 kinda team this Fall.
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College Baseball just concluded. It ain't easy being a Vol, Kev. You are forced to spend a lot of time celebrating.

A UK fan gets to enjoy a lot of home time catching up on chores and stuff.

College Baseball just concluded. It ain't easy being a Vol, Kev. You are forced to spend a lot of time celebrating.

A UK fan gets to enjoy a lot of home time catching up on chores and stuff.
I don't need to hear your weak excuses for being a part-time fan, ma'am.
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I don't need to hear your weak excuses for being a part-time fan, ma'am.
Seasonal Kev, I know I wasn’t supposed to tell y’all there are sports other than basketball in the SEC. I hope that revelation didn’t shock you like when you found Santa and the Easter Bunny weren’t real.
I hope that revelation didn’t shock you like when you found Santa and the Easter Bunny weren’t real.

No one's had the heart to tell him that yet. Better edit this before you turn his world upside down.
No one's had the heart to tell him that yet. Better edit this before you turn his world upside down.
That UK don't compete in other sports or Santa and the Easter Bunny?
No Bama intel?

I get that you want all traffic here to be eliminated, but occasionally we need a reminder that this board exists.
**** Alabama....Juat got back from Florida. Don't know why I keep driving through that fukin state. 65 through Montgomery is a fukin joke. Traffic slowed for hours.

Not a single rest area open coming into Amabama. Yet signs everywhere proclaiming---"Another project, making Alabama beautiful.."---Yeah, ok. Those rest areas and the welcome center have been closed the last two years. Ones leading out are open, thoughLaughing

Shit fuking hole.
**** Alabama....Juat got back from Florida. Don't know why I keep driving through that fukin state. 65 through Montgomery is a fukin joke. Traffic slowed for hours.

Not a single rest area open coming into Amabama. Yet signs everywhere proclaiming---"Another project, making Alabama beautiful.."---Yeah, ok. Those rest areas and the welcome center have been closed the last two years. Ones leading out are open, thoughLaughing

Shit fuking hole.

But, you do get the read, "Go to church or the devil will get you".
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Looks like Purdue will be taking on the state of Alabama this year. In addition to Auburn and Alabama, Purdue's non-con is loaded again:

11/15 Alabama
11/19 @ Marquette
12/14 Texas A&M (Neutral)
12/21 @ Auburn
Two of BYU, NC State and Ole Miss in San Diego
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Looks like Purdue will be taking on the state of Alabama this year. In addition to Auburn and Alabama, Purdue's non-con is loaded again:

11/15 Alabama
11/19 @ Marquette
12/14 Texas A&M (Neutral)
12/21 @ Auburn
Two of BYU, NC State and Ole Miss in San Diego
Good on both of y'all for setting it up.
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