Now it all makes sense.What’s weird is I’m technically a millennial.
Gen x work ethic with millennial ingenuity. Thanks Kev.Now it all makes sense.
Yep we the same age.
****ing old ass wrinkle dickers*38
Shit. 39. I am so old I forgot a year of my life ever happened.
You must be 37****ing old ass wrinkle dickers
I’m guessing that’s the tik tok generation. Yeesh. Very trite collective of kids.Mellinnials aren’t as bad as GenZ. I’m just a few years off Z
You’re an X’er though. Bert is the definition of a boomer.Anyone who uses "boomer" gets the grownup treatment.
Let's focus on how much you can afford a mo, so we can stretch it out as long as your credit allows and we'll gladly take your trade in and down payment as nonpayment.
Walk the talk, or learn the hard way.
*It's a little odd that one bad word could cost thousands in future earnings, but such is life.
A guy could call me wigger, and I'll find it funny, but boomer, gloves are off.
You’re an X’er though. Bert is the definition of a boomer.