Pack pride bringing some good ones today.
apackfan69 said...
“I am an old timer here and have watched what has been going since the 70's. As much as everybody wants to blame Gott, Yow, DSJ. The real blame goes to Dean Smith and the power of UNC. Coach V had this program on the verge of a national power and Nose Smith couldn't handle it. The power UNC destroyed V and in turn ended up destroying this program. The fact for 25 years we have become irrelevant, has now put us a position for us to be a scapegoat. You can believe that UNC is behind this as well. What better way to take focus off their cheating scandal than bury your rival in one again. Not only this but the only way NC State was going to get back to being relevant again was to play along with Duke and UNC and cheat. As big of a piece of crap Gott was as human being, in basketball he just tried to compete with his neighbors. What three things Gott didn't realize was, 1) He didn't have the money his neighbors had. 2) He didn't have the clout with Adidas his neighbors had with Nike. 3) He didn't have the clout with the NCAA his neighbors had, due to Nose Smith's actions back in the 80's.”
He had a nice follow up as well
"There is nothing fishy here. This has the cheats written all over it!!!!! I know we were mentioned in some of the articles about the FBI probe, but there were at least 10 other programs that were focused on in much more depth. Sorry, but I don't just believe the NCAA picked us out first without someone else influencing it!!!"