I agree with what you are saying, but read the part that I bolded in your post and tell me your thoughts on the talent that Duke has had the last 4 years and tell me where you rank the coach of that Duke program if you don't mind.Problem is UK is paying Cal all that money to not have these same struggles every.single.year. Winning a title is very hard. That's understandable. But when you haven't been to a final four in what will be 4 years that is unacceptable for the talent he has brought in. The game has started to pass Cal by and he hasn't adjusted. The other great coaches (like K) have always been able to adjust when the game changes. The fat Italian in Lexington is too damn stubborn to do so.
Can you tell me the last time Duke made it to the FF?
The weirdest part of your post is you called coach K "great" and said "great coaches (like K) have always been able to adJust when the game changes". Okay, well, what has K done the last 4 years that Cal hasn't?
But again, I agree, UK should have at least 2 more titles since Cal has been at UK, but the GOAT, who is also into the one and done model, isn't doing any better with more talent. That tells me it's freaking hard.