Never said it cleared anybody. Get your facts straight. $1300 and $900 is way better than $100,000 you clowns have laughed at for months. On top of that, everything that was said was all allegeded. Didn’t show proof for any claim of the FBI’s or Bowen Sr’s. You saying they were on tape with the $1300 and $900 is not true. Both were interviewed by the FBI. It didn’t say how they found out. They also didn’t ask anything about it the receiver of that money while he was testifying, Bowen Sr. It was said once when compliance director was at the witness stand then over, for now.
It’s funny how rivals and haters make things bigger than it is, acting as if UofL is the only culprit here. So far, we’re the only one’s who directly paid less than everyone else and no one still knows what that money was for.