Kentucky fans

Joe B. Hall was my personal friend.

He was my personal friend because I ask him to be. He actually returned my first phone call. Joe B. owed me nothing, not even respect, but he came to my house many times. It began a long friendship that I still can't figure out why he wanted me to be his friend.

He wanted someone in the Southeast to help him recruit. I filled the slot. But he had to find out about me. He would call me. I would take vacation. I would pick him up at the airport and we would go look at basketball players and go to the AAU games.

Then came the love. He had the talent to make people fall in love with him. My wife and I fell in love with him. My kids fell in love with him. My friends fell in love with him. His players fell in love with him.

He loved me and my family and we repaid (or is it "replayed") the love toward him. What a man he was. Plus he fell in love with Denny Crum and Denny repaid the love. Two good people who were competitors. It is hard to hate good people.

Here are a couple pictures of Joe B. and my kids and their friends. It was in my house in 1978. They don't come better than Joe B.