Not only is this not correct. But it doesn't even come close to answering my question. But I'll address your false knowledge of the situation.
It is not stolen land. The jews called it home long before Islam was even a religion. It was under British control until the 1948 (not 1967) mandate. They were actually promised much more territory, but the Brits split the land up between the jews and the Arab muslims. After that, the majority of Arabs chose to leave Israel. They were not kicked out, so no stolen land. Today, muslims live in Israel in peace, fight for the IDF and even hold elected positions. The forced assimilation is completely false.
If one of these historical people is guilty of stealing land, it is the Arab muslims. The new testament was written hundreds of years before Islam was created and yet, Christians were forced out of their holy land by threats of death, taxes or forced conformation. So basically, who you are calling Palestinians are historically guilty of everything you are making them a victim of. So if Cristian groups just decided to wage war against the Palestinians and rape and murder women and Children in Gaza, you would find justice in that, right?
Palestinians have received more international aid than any other group of people in the world. They are backed by some of the wealthiest people on earth in Qatar. Israel supplies their water, their electricity and the .majority of their blue collar jobs (prior to October 7th). Their schools and hospitals are built by outside organizations. They live in literal paradise with so many opportunities to be self sufficient and prosperous. Instead of building infrastructure to supply their own water and electricity, building hotels, resorts and restaurants to encourage tourism to bring in revenue, using their schools to educate their citizens with useful knowledge, use their hospitals for research and health. They buy weapons to use against innocent Israeli civilians, build tunnels to hide in while leaving their children to die for optics, use their schools to teach children to hate jews and their hospitals as shields leaving them as military targets after they stir the hornet's nest and then run and hide from the hornets.
Your automatic defense of Palestine, using the same buzz words like, genocide, zionism and free Palestine just shows that you are led to feel that way by your political manipulators, not by your knowledge and your own heart. And again, this is why progressive liberalism is the real cult. They go with whatever their propagandists tell them to without ever questioning them. Whether it's the gender bullshit, unborn babies being nothing but a clump of cells, CRT, Ukraine or hamas, they always use the same talking points without knowing anything about what they are saying.