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Lol you're doing the same thing. What a hypocrite you are. Freedom for Palestine doesn't mean antisemitism. However, I've read your posts, and you seem to have no problem with Palestinian children dying. Hell, you've even laughed about it. Disgusting.
Also new guy....why are you whining about me posting in a political thread that you are currently in, when you don't post in political threads on sports forums? Take your own advice, little dude.
Lol you're doing the same thing. What a hypocrite you are. Freedom for Palestine doesn't mean antisemitism. However, I've read your posts, and you seem to have no problem with Palestinian children dying. Hell, you've even laughed about it. Disgusting.

How do you take out terrorists if they hide behind civilians? I mean, is this not the exact thing that happened in WW II with all the bombings in Germany? Should we not have bombed the Nazis?
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Lol you're doing the same thing. What a hypocrite you are. Freedom for Palestine doesn't mean antisemitism. However, I've read your posts, and you seem to have no problem with Palestinian children dying. Hell, you've even laughed about it. Disgusting.

you're an ignorant anti-semitic lemming.

I laugh and take great pleasure at every Palestinian death, not just the kids. I'm a huge fan of "Fvkc around and find out" justice. You need to look up the word hypocrite in the dictionary.
How do you take out terrorists if they hide behind civilians? I mean, is this not the exact thing that happened in WW II with all the bombings in Germany? Should we not have bombed the Nazis?
Huge difference, and the amount of innocent lives lost is horrendous. Israel hiding behind the Hamas boogeyman is laughable at best. Genocide is taking place. Apples to oranges comparison.
Also new guy....why are you whining about me posting in a political thread that you are currently in, when you don't post in political threads on sports forums? Take your own advice, little dude.
I was simply going to reply to your post about being a new to this board. That is a factually inaccurate.
Imagine "not posting in political threads on a sports forum" then telling others what they should do on said thread they "never participate in". lol okay.
Your post count begs to differ.
We all started at zero. @mcnicKY91 What's your thoughts on what you've read here?

honestly, no one else is holding back on their thoughts.

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Huge difference, and the amount of innocent lives lost is horrendous. Israel hiding behind the Hamas boogeyman is laughable at best. Genocide is taking place. Apples to oranges comparison.

Hamas wants to wipe out Israel. And they're positioning military infrastructure near schools, hospitals, and residential areas. Your response would be to do what then? Don't target the terrorists - because maybe we made some wrong assumptions about their genocidal desires?
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Huge difference, and the amount of innocent lives lost is horrendous. Israel hiding behind the Hamas boogeyman is laughable at best. Genocide is taking place. Apples to oranges comparison.
you're a brainwashed idiot. You don't even know what genocide means. Israel isn't hiding behind Hamas dumbass, Hamas is hiding behind the unarmed Hamas members otherwise known as so called Gazan "civilians".
you're a brainwashed idiot. You don't even know what genocide means. Israel isn't hiding behind Hamas dumbass, Hamas is hiding behind the unarmed Hamas members otherwise known as so called Gazan "civilians".
lol no. You are the one that’s brainwashed. Palestinian people have been living there forever. Hamas is just an excuse for the Zionists to wipe them away from their homeland. Horrendous behavior, but I’m not surprised. Sickening how Israel supporters condone, genocide and violence against innocent women and children whose family have been there for generations.
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Someone is not handling the election very well. Still using the same playbook that has finally proven to be a failure by labeling people who voted against the radical left as cult members, nazis and uneducated. All while being part of the actual cult (progressive liberalism), supporting the actual jew haters who want actual genocide and proving to be completely uneducated on what is happening in Gaza.

People who use the term zionist in a negative way to identify a group of people either don't know what the term means or are antisemitic. Probably both. It's cute to say free Palestine and pretend to care about the children in Gaza. But who are you saying to free them from? When you say this, what you're saying is that you support hamas. Which makes you a total piece of shit. If you want a free Palestine, you want them free from the group that has held them hostage and used them as sacrificial dogs in order to keep the jews from living in peace for decades with no plans to stop in the future. Palestinians overwhelmingly support hamas and beter than 3/4 of them were dancing in the streets in celebration of October 7th. Fvck those people and their dumb religion.
Someone is not handling the election very well. Still using the same playbook that has finally proven to be a failure by labeling people who voted against the radical left as cult members, nazis and uneducated. All while being part of the actual cult (progressive liberalism), supporting the actual jew haters who want actual genocide and proving to be completely uneducated on what is happening in Gaza.

People who use the term zionist in a negative way to identify a group of people either don't know what the term means or are antisemitic. Probably both. It's cute to say free Palestine and pretend to care about the children in Gaza. But who are you saying to free them from? When you say this, what you're saying is that you support hamas. Which makes you a total piece of shit. If you want a free Palestine, you want them free from the group that has held them hostage and used them as sacrificial dogs in order to keep the jews from living in peace for decades with no plans to stop in the future. Palestinians overwhelmingly support hamas and beter than 3/4 of them were dancing in the streets in celebration of October 7th. Fvck those people and their dumb religion.

you say it way better than me. I'm too close to the situation and get way too emotional. Thanks for posting this.
you say it way better than me. I'm too close to the situation and get way too emotional. Thanks for posting this.
Given the last administration's lame response(s) to the situation in Gaza, (I haven't seen stats on the last election), I would find it hard to believe that the Jewish vote would ever lean Democrat again.
Given the last administration's lame response(s) to the situation in Gaza, (I haven't seen stats on the last election), I would find it hard to believe that the Jewish vote would ever lean Democrat again.

Orthodox Jews have always leaned heavily conservative, if I'm not mistaken. It's the secular ones, the types that are basically Jewish in name only (not overly religious) that lean more liberal. Not sure that will change much.
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Given the last administration's lame response(s) to the situation in Gaza, (I haven't seen stats on the last election), I would find it hard to believe that the Jewish vote would ever lean Democrat again.

there are still a lot of Jews with their heads in the sand who rationalize their betrayal by saying things like "I like Israel, but only if they get rid of Netanyahu". Or they pretend to care about Israel, but then vote based on things like trannies and abortion.

That said, there are a also a lot of Jews like me who were liberal and then realized how much hatred the left has for the Jews. I realized that about a decade ago whereas most just realized it in the last year. I have very good friends who were diehard liberals who voted for Trump because they feel the left has turned their back on the Jews and Israel.

This is quite a betrayal considering how lock step Jews have been with the left for over 60 years in this country. Jews walked side by side with MLK only to see blacks line up in droves to buy Hamas scarves 60 years later.

The rise of anti-semitism on college campuses over last year has served as a huge eye opener for former liberal Jews.
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Orthodox Jews have always leaned heavily conservative, if I'm not mistaken. It's the secular ones, the types that are basically Jewish in name only (not overly religious) that lean more liberal. Not sure that will change much.

only thing I'll correct there is that there's a lot more to being Jewish that practicing the religion. For most of us, it's about the shared history and culture that connects us over 1000s of years. I'm as secular as they come, but also extremely proud of my Judiasm.

There has been a change. Lots of liberal Jews are heading to the right. Probably still a majority suppor the left, but it's no longer a 90/10 split, now it's more like a 60/40.
Someone is not handling the election very well. Still using the same playbook that has finally proven to be a failure by labeling people who voted against the radical left as cult members, nazis and uneducated. All while being part of the actual cult (progressive liberalism), supporting the actual jew haters who want actual genocide and proving to be completely uneducated on what is happening in Gaza.

People who use the term zionist in a negative way to identify a group of people either don't know what the term means or are antisemitic. Probably both. It's cute to say free Palestine and pretend to care about the children in Gaza. But who are you saying to free them from? When you say this, what you're saying is that you support hamas. Which makes you a total piece of shit. If you want a free Palestine, you want them free from the group that has held them hostage and used them as sacrificial dogs in order to keep the jews from living in peace for decades with no plans to stop in the future. Palestinians overwhelmingly support hamas and beter than 3/4 of them were dancing in the streets in celebration of October 7th. Fvck those people and their dumb religion.
Great post.
Someone is not handling the election very well. Still using the same playbook that has finally proven to be a failure by labeling people who voted against the radical left as cult members, nazis and uneducated. All while being part of the actual cult (progressive liberalism), supporting the actual jew haters who want actual genocide and proving to be completely uneducated on what is happening in Gaza.

People who use the term zionist in a negative way to identify a group of people either don't know what the term means or are antisemitic. Probably both. It's cute to say free Palestine and pretend to care about the children in Gaza. But who are you saying to free them from? When you say this, what you're saying is that you support hamas. Which makes you a total piece of shit. If you want a free Palestine, you want them free from the group that has held them hostage and used them as sacrificial dogs in order to keep the jews from living in peace for decades with no plans to stop in the future. Palestinians overwhelmingly support hamas and beter than 3/4 of them were dancing in the streets in celebration of October 7th. Fvck those people and their dumb religion.
lol yeah, none of this is true. Trumpys live in fantasy land.

However, I had a great weekend camping, and 2025 is looking to be a good one!

Wrong on both accounts, but still love ya Ghost! Lot of you still seem mad even though your guy won. Weird. I'll revisit this thread in a few months to see just how great everything is. Hope it is though. I don't prey on the downfall of America like most. Hope the fam is good and everyone ITT is doing good too. You guys can call me any names you want, I'm enjoying life and want the best for everyone! Stayed outta this thread for a long time, but hey....this is America. Why not post my thoughts, even though most of you disagree with them? We are afterall...a democratic republic. Let your voices be heard.
lol yeah, none of this is true. Trumpys live in fantasy land.

However, I had a great weekend camping, and 2025 is looking to be a good one!

Wrong on both accounts, but still love ya Ghost! Lot of you still seem mad even though your guy won. Weird. I'll revisit this thread in a few months to see just how great everything is. Hope it is though. I don't prey on the downfall of America like most. Hope the fam is good and everyone ITT is doing good too. You guys can call me any names you want, I'm enjoying life and want the best for everyone! Stayed outta this thread for a long time, but hey....this is America. Why not post my thoughts, even though most of you disagree with them? We are afterall...a democratic republic. Let your voices be heard.
Has it been the jews or the muslims that have held Gaza back from prosperity?
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Stolen land and forced assimilation. Palestinians were there long before 1967. Doesn’t matter what you think of their religion.
Not only is this not correct. But it doesn't even come close to answering my question. But I'll address your false knowledge of the situation.

It is not stolen land. The jews called it home long before Islam was even a religion. It was under British control until the 1948 (not 1967) mandate. They were actually promised much more territory, but the Brits split the land up between the jews and the Arab muslims. After that, the majority of Arabs chose to leave Israel. They were not kicked out, so no stolen land. Today, muslims live in Israel in peace, fight for the IDF and even hold elected positions. The forced assimilation is completely false.

If one of these historical people is guilty of stealing land, it is the Arab muslims. The new testament was written hundreds of years before Islam was created and yet, Christians were forced out of their holy land by threats of death, taxes or forced conformation. So basically, who you are calling Palestinians are historically guilty of everything you are making them a victim of. So if Cristian groups just decided to wage war against the Palestinians and rape and murder women and Children in Gaza, you would find justice in that, right?

Palestinians have received more international aid than any other group of people in the world. They are backed by some of the wealthiest people on earth in Qatar. Israel supplies their water, their electricity and the .majority of their blue collar jobs (prior to October 7th). Their schools and hospitals are built by outside organizations. They live in literal paradise with so many opportunities to be self sufficient and prosperous. Instead of building infrastructure to supply their own water and electricity, building hotels, resorts and restaurants to encourage tourism to bring in revenue, using their schools to educate their citizens with useful knowledge, use their hospitals for research and health. They buy weapons to use against innocent Israeli civilians, build tunnels to hide in while leaving their children to die for optics, use their schools to teach children to hate jews and their hospitals as shields leaving them as military targets after they stir the hornet's nest and then run and hide from the hornets.

Your automatic defense of Palestine, using the same buzz words like, genocide, zionism and free Palestine just shows that you are led to feel that way by your political manipulators, not by your knowledge and your own heart. And again, this is why progressive liberalism is the real cult. They go with whatever their propagandists tell them to without ever questioning them. Whether it's the gender bullshit, unborn babies being nothing but a clump of cells, CRT, Ukraine or hamas, they always use the same talking points without knowing anything about what they are saying.
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Not only is this not correct. But it doesn't even come close to answering my question. But I'll address your false knowledge of the situation.

It is not stolen land. The jews called it home long before Islam was even a religion. It was under British control until the 1948 (not 1967) mandate. They were actually promised much more territory, but the Brits split the land up between the jews and the Arab muslims. After that, the majority of Arabs chose to leave Israel. They were not kicked out, so no stolen land. Today, muslims live in Israel in peace, fight for the IDF and even hold elected positions. The forced assimilation is completely false.

If one of these historical people is guilty of stealing land, it is the Arab muslims. The new testament was written hundreds of years before Islam was created and yet, Christians were forced out of their holy land by threats of death, taxes or forced conformation. So basically, who you are calling Palestinians are historically guilty of everything you are making them a victim of. So if Cristian groups just decided to wage war against the Palestinians and rape and murder women and Children in Gaza, you would find justice in that, right?

Palestinians have received more international aid than any other group of people in the world. They are backed by some of the wealthiest people on earth in Qatar. Israel supplies their water, their electricity and the .majority of their blue collar jobs (prior to October 7th). Their schools and hospitals are built by outside organizations. They live in literal paradise with so many opportunities to be self sufficient and prosperous. Instead of building infrastructure to supply their own water and electricity, building hotels, resorts and restaurants to encourage tourism to bring in revenue, using their schools to educate their citizens with useful knowledge, use their hospitals for research and health. They buy weapons to use against innocent Israeli civilians, build tunnels to hide in while leaving their children to die for optics, use their schools to teach children to hate jews and their hospitals as shields leaving them as military targets after they stir the hornet's nest and then run and hide from the hornets.

Your automatic defense of Palestine, using the same buzz words like, genocide, zionism and free Palestine just shows that you are led to feel that way by your political manipulators, not by your knowledge and your own heart. And again, this is why progressive liberalism is the real cult. They go with whatever their propagandists tell them to without ever questioning them. Whether it's the gender bullshit, unborn babies being nothing but a clump of cells, CRT, Ukraine or hamas, they always use the same talking points without knowing anything about what they are saying.
The misinformed are sure going to be upset by all these facts. And your last paragraph is so spot on.
The misinformed are sure going to be upset by all these facts. And your last paragraph is so spot on.
Not only is this not correct. But it doesn't even come close to answering my question. But I'll address your false knowledge of the situation.

It is not stolen land. The jews called it home long before Islam was even a religion. It was under British control until the 1948 (not 1967) mandate. They were actually promised much more territory, but the Brits split the land up between the jews and the Arab muslims. After that, the majority of Arabs chose to leave Israel. They were not kicked out, so no stolen land. Today, muslims live in Israel in peace, fight for the IDF and even hold elected positions. The forced assimilation is completely false.

If one of these historical people is guilty of stealing land, it is the Arab muslims. The new testament was written hundreds of years before Islam was created and yet, Christians were forced out of their holy land by threats of death, taxes or forced conformation. So basically, who you are calling Palestinians are historically guilty of everything you are making them a victim of. So if Cristian groups just decided to wage war against the Palestinians and rape and murder women and Children in Gaza, you would find justice in that, right?

Palestinians have received more international aid than any other group of people in the world. They are backed by some of the wealthiest people on earth in Qatar. Israel supplies their water, their electricity and the .majority of their blue collar jobs (prior to October 7th). Their schools and hospitals are built by outside organizations. They live in literal paradise with so many opportunities to be self sufficient and prosperous. Instead of building infrastructure to supply their own water and electricity, building hotels, resorts and restaurants to encourage tourism to bring in revenue, using their schools to educate their citizens with useful knowledge, use their hospitals for research and health. They buy weapons to use against innocent Israeli civilians, build tunnels to hide in while leaving their children to die for optics, use their schools to teach children to hate jews and their hospitals as shields leaving them as military targets after they stir the hornet's nest and then run and hide from the hornets.

Your automatic defense of Palestine, using the same buzz words like, genocide, zionism and free Palestine just shows that you are led to feel that way by your political manipulators, not by your knowledge and your own heart. And again, this is why progressive liberalism is the real cult. They go with whatever their propagandists tell them to without ever questioning them. Whether it's the gender bullshit, unborn babies being nothing but a clump of cells, CRT, Ukraine or hamas, they always use the same talking points without knowing anything about what they are saying.
There never was a country of Palestine. There was a Jewish state in ancient times. However, there were arab people living in that area during that time. The Jews have been accepting of a two state solution, but the arabs have not. No arab states will accept the Palestinians into their country and they won't because they are radicalized and trouble makers.
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Not only is this not correct. But it doesn't even come close to answering my question. But I'll address your false knowledge of the situation.

It is not stolen land. The jews called it home long before Islam was even a religion. It was under British control until the 1948 (not 1967) mandate. They were actually promised much more territory, but the Brits split the land up between the jews and the Arab muslims. After that, the majority of Arabs chose to leave Israel. They were not kicked out, so no stolen land. Today, muslims live in Israel in peace, fight for the IDF and even hold elected positions. The forced assimilation is completely false.

If one of these historical people is guilty of stealing land, it is the Arab muslims. The new testament was written hundreds of years before Islam was created and yet, Christians were forced out of their holy land by threats of death, taxes or forced conformation. So basically, who you are calling Palestinians are historically guilty of everything you are making them a victim of. So if Cristian groups just decided to wage war against the Palestinians and rape and murder women and Children in Gaza, you would find justice in that, right?

Palestinians have received more international aid than any other group of people in the world. They are backed by some of the wealthiest people on earth in Qatar. Israel supplies their water, their electricity and the .majority of their blue collar jobs (prior to October 7th). Their schools and hospitals are built by outside organizations. They live in literal paradise with so many opportunities to be self sufficient and prosperous. Instead of building infrastructure to supply their own water and electricity, building hotels, resorts and restaurants to encourage tourism to bring in revenue, using their schools to educate their citizens with useful knowledge, use their hospitals for research and health. They buy weapons to use against innocent Israeli civilians, build tunnels to hide in while leaving their children to die for optics, use their schools to teach children to hate jews and their hospitals as shields leaving them as military targets after they stir the hornet's nest and then run and hide from the hornets.

Your automatic defense of Palestine, using the same buzz words like, genocide, zionism and free Palestine just shows that you are led to feel that way by your political manipulators, not by your knowledge and your own heart. And again, this is why progressive liberalism is the real cult. They go with whatever their propagandists tell them to without ever questioning them. Whether it's the gender bullshit, unborn babies being nothing but a clump of cells, CRT, Ukraine or hamas, they always use the same talking points without knowing anything about what they are saying.
Yeah that just isn't true, and is revisionist history made by said people to disparage the Palestinians. The expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is considered by many to be illegal under international law (of course not "isn'treal and thier allies). Those said settlements were built on Palestinian land, displacing local populations and exacerbating tensions. The creation of Israel in 1948 led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, who became refugees and have not been allowed to return to their homes. So essentially, the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories by Israel, along with the denial of the right to establish an independent state, violates this fundamental principle of international law. The United Nations, through many resolutions, has looked at and recognized the right of Palestinians to establish their own state, and the majority of the international community supports this right. Now they are trying to wipe these people off the face of the earth. It's utterly disgusting.
There never was a country of Palestine. There was a Jewish state in ancient times. However, there were arab people living in that area during that time. The Jews have been accepting of a two state solution, but the arabs have not. No arab states will accept the Palestinians into their country and they won't because they are radicalized and trouble makers.
Wrong, and a history washed take.
The misinformed are sure going to be upset by all these facts. And your last paragraph is so spot on.
You can't even tie your own shoes, Phil. Pipe down little dude. Not a single fact presented. All conjecture and fabricated talking points.