Full potato

Did you get the shot?

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There is a very good Penn and Teller Bullshit episode on cell phones. I highly suggest checking it out.

To assume you know the reasons why everyone doesn't get the vaccine is a tad of an overstep don't you think?

I got it because my wife wants to go to Ireland. Should be fun.

Ill check out the Penn and Teller.

As for the part of assuming why, I didn’t say “everyone.”

I hear great stuff about Ireland. Def on our list. Paris was fantastic in October and we just got back from 6 days in Sint Maarten last week. Being fully vaxed and boostered made those trips waaaay easier. Headed to Vegas in April!
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Splenda goes directly into your body where it impacts the microbiome in your digestive system and potentially hyoid insulin production. Who knows what cell phone signals do.
Still not going direcly into your blood steram. Cell phones do next to nothing. At least as far as causing cancer.
Still not going direcly into your blood steram. Cell phones do next to nothing. At least as far as causing cancer.

The point is, we don’t have any idea what these things do long term (50+ years) because they haven’t existed that long.
looks like a guy who's about to stand in front of his bathroom mirror with his junk tucked in while he says "I'd fvck me" over and over again.
I"ve lost a lot of weight, but let it be known. I was a super fat **** that made my body yell at me to get healthier.

I was a complete and total tool. I deal with that realization daily with my therapist.
I"ve lost a lot of weight, but let it be known. I was a super fat **** that made my body yell at me to get healthier.

I was a complete and total tool. I deal with that realization daily with my therapist.
The life hack here is to do drugs. Ull get to where u enjoy being high so much you wont eat nearly as often bc eating bust up ur high 🤣

this is the nonsense thread right
President of PharmaMar caught faking Covid vaccination. Another “conspiracy theory” validated…

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76% of the board participated in this unsafe, ineffective experiment. Full potato indeed…

COVID-19 vaccination was "significantly associated" with a 25% jump in emergency medical services (EMS) for heart problems in 16-39 year-olds in Israel, whose vaccination rate is among the world's highest, according to a peer-reviewed study by MIT researchers.
76% of the board participated in this unsafe, ineffective experiment. Full potato indeed…

COVID-19 vaccination was "significantly associated" with a 25% jump in emergency medical services (EMS) for heart problems in 16-39 year-olds in Israel, whose vaccination rate is among the world's highest, according to a peer-reviewed study by MIT researchers.
To be fair, for a significant amount of people the choice was either get the shot or be unemployed.
My sister was coerced into getting it by her employer, got really sick afterward and refused to get another, and they allowed her to work remotely.

Should have been given that option to begin with. Pissed me off.
76% of the board participated in this unsafe, ineffective experiment. Full potato indeed…

COVID-19 vaccination was "significantly associated" with a 25% jump in emergency medical services (EMS) for heart problems in 16-39 year-olds in Israel, whose vaccination rate is among the world's highest, according to a peer-reviewed study by MIT researchers.

My grandmother was the healthiest old person I knew. At 90+, she still walked 3 miles a day, push mowed her own yard, tilled her own garden, etc.. Never had a health issue. She developed heart problems after she got the vaccine. I guess it could be a coincidence and old age just finally caught up to her, but I'm convinced it was because of the vaccine. The timeline just adds up and makes sense.
My grandmother was the healthiest old person I knew. At 90+, she still walked 3 miles a day, push mowed her own yard, tilled her own garden, etc.. Never had a health issue. She developed heart problems after she got the vaccine. I guess it could be a coincidence and old age just finally caught up to her, but I'm convinced it was because of the vaccine. The timeline just adds up and makes sense.

Most likely. There are far more serious reactions than you hear about in mainstream news. Young and old.
The study wasn’t intended to “prove” anything. But common sense would say that a sudden major increase in heart problems among an age group for which it’s really uncommon—that directly coincides with the vaccine rollout—probably isn’t coincidental. Especially when it’s already known to cause myocarditis in young people.

Btw, if you want “proof,” or the closest thing to it, there are many autopsies now of people who died shortly after the jab, performed by several respected pathologists. They all concluded that the vaccine contributed to many of the deaths.

Why aren’t there any gov’t-ordered autopsies to counter these?
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The vaccination was a nice attempt that ended up exactly how most with a functional brain predicted. It is a half-ass, limited action jab to help you not get as sick. It does not stop the spread, so not getting isn't killing grandma, it has severe side effects in some, and should have never been mandated on anyone who is under 70 or have comorbidities.

If they just made it optional for everyone without the bullying campaign by the left or the work mandates, things would look much better.

The democratic party and MSM are going to lose this battle when unbiased historians write about it.
The vaccination was a nice attempt that ended up exactly how most with a functional brain predicted. It is a half-ass, limited action jab to help you not get as sick. It does not stop the spread, so not getting isn't killing grandma, it has severe side effects in some, and should have never been mandated on anyone who is under 70 or have comorbidities.

If they just made it optional for everyone without the bullying campaign by the left or the work mandates, things would look much better.

The democratic party and MSM are going to lose this battle when unbiased historians write about it.

It was a shoddily tested, improperly licensed experiment, produced by notoriously corrupt companies from the most corrupt industry in the world. What could go wrong?

And when things DO go wrong, what does the general public do? "Prove to me it's unsafe!" Seems a little backwards to me.

Sudden, sharp increase in heart problems among youth that directly coincided with the rollout of a vaccine that is known to cause heart problems among youth? Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
There's a reason that a lot of people sidestep this issue these days. And it's not because they're thoroughly convinced of safety/efficacy.
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With hindsight available, I wonder how many people who agreed with the mandatory vaccines, have now changed their minds. So many careers ruined. So many people who were called heroes the year before lost their jobs because they didn't get vaccinated. Even though they worked with covid patients the entire year before without a vaccine. Literally the only success they have to claim is that being vaccinated lessens you're symptoms. It slowed the spread zero.
I’d be more curious with how many people actually agreed with mandatory vaccines. I got the vaccine and the booster and haven’t thought twice or regretted it, and pretty much everybody in my life is the same - but there aren’t any of us that for a second agreed with mandatory vaccines. Small and arbitrary sample size obviously, but I have to think that number is low for the general population too.
I’d be more curious with how many people actually agreed with mandatory vaccines. I got the vaccine and the booster and haven’t thought twice or regretted it, and pretty much everybody in my life is the same - but there aren’t any of us that for a second agreed with mandatory vaccines. Small and arbitrary sample size obviously, but I have to think that number is low for the general population too.
Same here. The worst thing you can tell an American is you must. That pisses us off.
I’d be more curious with how many people actually agreed with mandatory vaccines. I got the vaccine and the booster and haven’t thought twice or regretted it, and pretty much everybody in my life is the same - but there aren’t any of us that for a second agreed with mandatory vaccines. Small and arbitrary sample size obviously, but I have to think that number is low for the general population too.

Why would anyone support mandates for an experimental product? Pure insanity.

It’s not like we were combatting Black Death.
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I’d be more curious with how many people actually agreed with mandatory vaccines. I got the vaccine and the booster and haven’t thought twice or regretted it, and pretty much everybody in my life is the same - but there aren’t any of us that for a second agreed with mandatory vaccines. Small and arbitrary sample size obviously, but I have to think that number is low for the general population too.
I know a lot of people through work who were all about the mandatory vaccine. To their credit, they were led to believe that the vaccine was the way out of the pandemic at the time. A few of my coworkers have said that looking back, they were wrong. But most of the people who were for it, still stand by it. Just shows how many people can't accept that sometimes we're just wrong. That's why I am curious about how many people have looked back and changed their outlooks and how many people still see it the same way. My work probably has more political people than most, though. I have the same experience as you outside of my work. Most people we associate with are vaccinated but are against the mandates.