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Did you get the shot?

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We would go out in the snow for recess below freezing all the time. Walking in snow shoes or playing unsanctioned tackle football.

7 year old me had no problem with it. Best part of the day
When I went to school we walked two miles up hill in the snow both ways. Plus we had to take our mussel loading rifles to fight off the Shawnees.

Geeze, kids have it easy now.
Shave it all bro. Makes you look thinner.

When I was really into power lifting I shaved a lot of places because if you are cut up it does kind of bring out your muscles and make you look thinner as well I guess.

I also think eating 5 or so times a day is a great idea. I'm all about doing anything to ramp up the matabolism. I used to eat before I went to bed so try and make it work while I slept. Probably was nonsense but the overall process got results so whatever.
I haven't done any yoga yet, but plan to. More for stretching and flexibility than anything else. My muscles are always sore (probably because I never stretch). Right now I just use the mat when I'm doing planking exercises and other core work. 1/2 inch thick foam rubber so it's a must with hardwood flooring throughout the house.
Damn, you have lost a ton of weight! That's awesome! I am on a weight loss kick myself. Started (last week) at 231 and my goal is also 180. Basically my diet plan is I can eat whatever, but limiting myself to 1,200-1,500 calories a day, which even if doing no exercise still puts your body into a pretty significant caloric deficit. Drink as much water as possible. I ride a stationary bike 30 minutes a day and am getting ready to add planking and other core exercises and kettlebells to my regimen. I lost 10 lbs in the first week. I know that's not going to be sustainable, but I like seeing the immediate results.
Kettlebells? Is that something you hang from your scrotum to stretch it and make more room for your oversized testicles?
I'm really surprised I've not got it. I'm not vaxxed and talk and ride in cars with ppl all day. On average, I probably meet 7-8 new ppl a day.

Then again, I could have had it, and never knew. I've never been tested. I do still go to the doctor every 3 months but that's for something other than covid.

*knocks on wood
They cant get that clap cleared up in less that 3 months? Or that how long it takes u to get it again 😉
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No I plan to have kids and don't want to risk it.

Funny convos with my in laws.

Mother in law on 4th of July: Why aren't you vaxxed?

Me: It doesn't work . People can still get covid. Millions have sued over side effects. I don't trust it...

Mother in law: Please wear a mask when grandpa and grandma come

Me ( I was and did wear one ) Why?

Mother in law : You're not vaxxed

Me: But they are so why should I have to wear one if they're vaxxed. Doesn't it protect them.

Mother in law: But you could have delta variant.

Me: So why aren't you wearing a mask if the vaccine doesn't protect against variants?

Her: * Crickets

Me: Eating right, taking vitamins, getting chiropractic care and making good decisions are undefeated. Sounds the vaccine isn't.

I am 33. My aunt and uncle who are 75 and 89 respectively survived covid twice while having cancer. I have a 99.9 % survival rate. Why would I inject something into my body that causes side effects? Am I a re re?

I know a gal who took a flu vaccine and had an allergic reaction and she has to live with cold systems everyday for the rest of her life (fever, coughing, sneezing and runny nose) ... F that ish
I like this post, but don't follow how chiropractic care helps.
there is no known or plausible way that the the vaccine could cause fertility issues.

There was a fictional show on Amazon called Utopia where a company caused a flu epidemic to distribute a vaccine for population control.
Maybe, maybe not. I know a lot of women that are having irregular menstrual cycles after getting the shots. My wife and my hair stylist are a couple.
I thought I was immune, but went to Florida a couple weeks ago and came home with Covid. Weird, i was with a group of 20 hockey players and only 2 of us got it. Everyone is vaxxed. Basically it felt like a bad cold for a couple days and then a minor cold for a day and then a little bit of lethargy, but other than that it was no big deal.
I thought I was immune, but went to Florida a couple weeks ago and came home with Covid. Weird, i was with a group of 20 hockey players and only 2 of us got it. Everyone is vaxxed. Basically it felt like a bad cold for a couple days and then a minor cold for a day and then a little bit of lethargy, but other than that it was no big deal.
I am thinking it is going to end up being like our seasonal flu. We are probably going to have to live with this for a long time.

Good that you fought it off easily. They say your natural immunity after having it is better than provided only by getting the vac. So you should now be doubly protected.
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I thought I was immune, but went to Florida a couple weeks ago and came home with Covid. Weird, i was with a group of 20 hockey players and only 2 of us got it. Everyone is vaxxed. Basically it felt like a bad cold for a couple days and then a minor cold for a day and then a little bit of lethargy, but other than that it was no big deal.
Just curious but why would u think u were immune? Bc u prev had it? Im not sure anything can make anyone “immune” to covid. Not trying to pick a fight, just curious.

The saddest part to me is the fact that, at this point, im starting to follow England, Israel, and other countries data bc u flat out cant trust the bs spewed by our media/government.
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Just curious but why would u think u were immune? Bc u prev had it? Im not sure anything can make anyone “immune” to covid. Not trying to pick a fight, just curious.

The saddest part to me is the fact that, at this point, im starting to follow England, Israel, and other countries data bc u flat out cant trust the bs spewed by our media/government.

I thought I was immune because I've been in close contact with several people who later tested positive and I never got it till now. I thought it bode well for me if we ever get into a Stephen King's The Stand type of situation, but I guess not.
the funny thing is while I was in Florida I shared at least 15 joints with my buddy's son as well as several hour long car rides and for good measure I gave the kid the rest of my Cuban sandwich on the way to the airport. And he never got it. Or maybe he did, but being 7 years old he just never showed symptoms.

**Jk, he's 24.
Everytime a virus infects someone, it has a chance to mutate, which is basically an error in it's self-replication. When enough of these mutations occur, it can lead to a new variant in the virus that has new characteristics than the original virus. As we've seen with the new Delta variant, fully vaccinated people can still get infected, but will likely see much milder symptoms than those not vaccinated. If the virus is allowed to continue to run wild in the population, we will likely see a variant that is mostly immune or fully immune to the vaccine, so then we'll be back to square one. Which is why their is such a push to get everyone vaccinated, even those who aren't at a high risk. So basically, the less chance the virus has to infect someone, the less of a chance the virus has to mutate, therefore snuffing out future variants that could be even more vaccine resistant/deadly.
The vaccine never prevented anyone from getting Covid nor passing it on. The Vaccine also has the potential to allow for stronger variants.

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The people that aren't worried about getting covid, do you not care that you spread it around also and keep the covid virus alive and well.
Vaccinated people spread it around just as much as non vaxxed. Probably more since the numbers suggest that people that are getting covid 2 to 1 are vaxxed.

I had a link to data from the UK but can't seem to find it on google all of a sudden...
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Vaccinated people spread it around just as much as non vaxxed. Probably more since the numbers suggest that people that are getting covid 2 to 1 are vaxxed.

I had a link to data from the UK but can't seem to find it on google all of a sudden...
My googles been acting up as well. Not the same as it used to be.
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When google and search engines first came online they were great tools I could use to research.

Now I feel as though they're steering me to something. I have to go multiple pages deep to find what used to be first results.

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People put far worse in their body every day. We walk around with phones next to our dick all day long that probably cause all sorts of long term problems we haven’t discovered yet, so all the “we don’t know about how this rushed product will be for us” is just silly to me.
There is a very good Penn and Teller Bullshit episode on cell phones. I highly suggest checking it out.
Get it or don’t get it, makes no difference to me. But for most of the ones not getting it, deep down we all know it’s because they just don’t like being told they have to do something, especially by the Gov.
To assume you know the reasons why everyone doesn't get the vaccine is a tad of an overstep don't you think?
As for me, we travel a lot so it was much less cumbersome on me to just get it. Going to Europe in a couple months, probably the islands in January. I’m too lazy to have to get a negative test every big trip I take.
I got it because my wife wants to go to Ireland. Should be fun.
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We also don’t know the long term effects of Splenda, wifi, cell phones, beyond meat, and dozens of other things we put into or around our bodies. That’s just life.
None of those things are being directly injected into your blood stream...
When google and search engines first came online they were great tools I could use to research.

Now I feel as though they're steering me to something. I have to go multiple pages deep to find what used to be first results.

Im in total agreement. I feel like I could be very vague on the search and still find what I needed. Now I can be pretty darn specific and for some reason it puts a lot of BS before my intended search results---or i cant find it at all.
When google and search engines first came online they were great tools I could use to research.

Now I feel as though they're steering me to something. I have to go multiple pages deep to find what used to be first results.

That is why I started using DuckDuckGo as a search engine. "Allegedly" they don't filter your search results. I doubt that's true, but I trust it more than Google.
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